Name Jawwad Imran
Gender Male
Location United states
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I am Jawwad Imran and I am a Professional Content Marketer. I have 2 years of experience in marketing and currently working as a Freelancer on Multiple Platforms.

joined at 3 years ago

    What Is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in Healthcare...

    Electronic data interchange (EDI) in healthcare is essential to patient car...

    • jawwadimran

    What is teacher development, and why is it important?

    But the learning process for teachers has gotten much more attention than i...

    • jawwadimran

    8 Dominating SEO Link-Building Strategies

    Link building is an important part of SEO because it signals to search engi...

    • jawwadimran

    YouTube SEO: Everything you need to know

    Youtube SEO can be helpful for brands, how Google prioritizes YouTube video...

    • jawwadimran

    The 2022 Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing

    A content marketing strategy is important for several reasons. Perhaps the...

    • jawwadimran

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a neurological conditio...

    • jawwadimran

    Tips To Maximize Patient Collection

    The billing and collections process may have left you feeling overwhelmed a...

    • jawwadimran

    IT Solutions & Managed Service Provider

    TechMatter is an IT Solutions and Managed Services Provider that specialize...

    • jawwadimran

    Difference between behavioral health and mental health

    mental health is more concerned with one’s emotions and thoughts than physi...

    • jawwadimran

    Ten Qualities of a Successful Medical Billing Specialis...

    The role of the medical billing specialist is to facilitate communication b...

    • jawwadimran

    8 Ways to Rock as a Content Marketer

    As a content marketer, staying ahead of the curve and keeping up with the l...

    • jawwadimran

    Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science

    Clinical laboratory services provide the most objective health information...

    • jawwadimran

    The Impact of Coronavirus on Your Mental Health

    Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, medical professionals (HDPs) were put under s...

    • jawwadimran


    An increase in appetite and an increased sensitivity to rejection are two m...

    • jawwadimran

    How Mental Health hurts your self-esteem

    People who have low self tend to feel sad or dissatisfied with themselves m...

    • jawwadimran