
In a natural setting, a biodegradable bag will break down into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass in a reasonable length of time. It's essential to recognize that just because something is labeled as biodegradable doesn't mean it will degrade under particular circumstances. Landfills lack the bacteria and creatures needed to decompose trash. Biodegradation may not occur promptly if it is disposed of within another container or plastic bag.
Compostable Bag: According to the EPA, an organic material that will decay under a regulated biological process in the presence of air to generate a hummus-like material. Compostable materials must decompose in a fair amount of time (a few months) with no visible or hazardous leftovers. Composting can occur in a commercial or municipal composting facility and a home composter.
A bag that can be collected and recycled to make new paper is a recyclable bag. Paper recycling is breaking down wasted paper materials into cellulose by combining them with water and chemicals (an organic plant material). The pulp mix is strained through screens to eliminate any adhesives or additional pollutants before being de-inked or bleached and recycled into new paper.
Are Compostable Bags Beneficial for Going Green?
In theory, 'compostable' bags are entirely degradable vegetable matter such as potato or corn starch. However, they must be broken down in the right conditions, often not met in a home compost setting. It may be necessary to establish central composting facilities to guarantee the compost to achieve high temperatures.
Some shops are hailing compostable packaging as a solution to garbage issues.
However, skeptics claim that most biodegradable packaging will be thrown away with regular trash, resulting in the release of methane as it degrades, just like any other organic matter in a landfill.
Furthermore, if compostable mailers is placed in the recycling stream, it may contaminate all other materials, rendering the entire batch unrecyclable.
One primary concern with compostable packaging is that it encourages recycling rather than minimizing trash generation in the first place. Recycling is always preferable to reducing and reusing.
While there is still a large way to go until biodegradable and compostable plastic bags are perfect, compostable bags are a start in the right direction. They can be a great tool to help your compost heap when used with an existing composting system. Compared to ordinary garbage bags, they may not be up to the task of transporting rubbish to the dump.
Examine your garbage bag requirements to see if compostable bags may be beneficial. If this is the case, it is yet another step toward a greener and cleaner living.