The one that runs the email server is an email hosting service. By signing up for the email hosting service, you will get an email hosting server. In order to use an email service, all you need is a domain name. To manage, send, and maintain your email addresses, you can use an email hosting server. To ensure that the emails meet the recipients on time, most of the major e-commerce stores have in-house email servers. Small businesses, however, use email hosting solutions offered by companies such as Google and Microsoft, etc.IT Company Australia, the best provider of digital services. Our services include the creation of websites & mobile apps in various technologies according to our client's demand. We have IT experts who work with us, offer on-demand services, are highly trained in technology, and can fulfill the best business requirements you need today.
Types of Email hosting for small business:
We are providing several distinct types of solutions for email hosting, each serving a particular function. Let's see what kind of email hosting service is going to work best for your business.
Inclusive E-mail accounts (1)
Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam Premium
The scale of Mailboxes (10 GB)
Webmail Full-Featured
Calendars Exchanged, Contacts, Tasks
CardDAV & CalDAV Company
Integrated Page for Portal
Inclusive E-mail accounts (1)
Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam Premium
The scale of Mailboxes (25 GB)
Webmail Full-Featured
Calendars Exchanged, Contacts, Tasks
Integrated Page for Portal
Storage Cloud File (25 GB)
Office Suite Online
Edit / Build Word Docs
Creating / Editing spreadsheets
PowerPoint Build / Edit
Inclusive E-mail accounts (5)
Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam Premium
The scale of Mailboxes (25 GB Each)
Webmail Full-Featured
Access to Web & Desktop (IMAP)
Calendars Exchanged, Contacts, Tasks
Integrated Page for Portal
Storage Cloud File (25 GB Each)
Office Suite Online
Creating / Editing spreadsheets
PowerPoint Build / Edit
The best small business & medium-sized enterprise email hosting. Now, email marketing has become an integral part of every digital business. This is the right moment to get an email hosting service for your company if you want to scale up your firm. A good email hosting service will help you scale across new marketing platforms, boost support, and get more clients.
IT Company Australia is the largest provider of business intelligence services and database services. With managed and technical services for data platforms, email, and Gmail hosting. We have huge commercial database administrators and consulting teams in Australia. To make it simpler, get a personalized business email with features and tools. Witness our creative solutions and partnership in real-time yourself!