Why Are Odour Control Units An Integral Part Of Wastewater Treatment Plants?
Why Are Odour Control Units An Integral Part Of Wastewater Treatment Plants?
Activated Carbon-based wastewater odour control equipment can be effective in water and sewage treatment plants. These units are apt for sludge holding tanks and wet wells.

Activated Carbon-based wastewater odour control equipment can be effective in water and sewage treatment plants. These units are apt for sludge holding tanks and wet wells.

Wastewater treatment plant odour control is a common problem in wastewater treatment facilities. Odour control units are an ideal solution to eliminate foul smells from the plant.

Odours generated from wastewater treatment plants are primarily because of Hydrogen Sulphide. Activated Carbon-based wastewater odour control equipment and units are the most commonly used systems to control foul smells.

Hydrogen Sulphide is also responsible for the corrosion of collection systems in wastewater plants which leads to dangerous leaks. Odours from wastewater treatment may also emanate from volatile organic compounds and ammonia.

While ventilation and containment are ideal, they are not as effective as odour control systems. Effective odour control can drastically reduce odour-induced pollution in the environment.

One of the key reasons behind implementing odour control systems is to make wastewater treatment plants more acceptable to workers. With these things in mind, let’s take a glance at the effectiveness of odour control systems.

Odour Control Systems for Wastewater Treatment Plant Odour Control

Controlling wastewater odours is one of the most challenging aspects of its treatment. Foul smell from treatment plants causes complaints from adjacent communities. Odours also have an adverse impact on the workers of the plant.

Lack of odour management can often give rise to decreasing job satisfaction and low retention rates. And when left uncontrolled for long, odour issues can bring negative attention and damage the wastewater plants’ reputation.

Moreover, not all wastewater odours are created equal. From mercaptans to Hydrogen Sulphide, foul smells can emanate from a wide variety of factors. That’s why various odour control methods are usually required to control foul smells in wastewater treatment plants.


However, modern-day odour control systems are a boon for water treatment plants. Odour control units are adept at reducing the emissions of odorous gases like Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulphide, and organic sulphur compounds.

Odour control systems can also eliminate pollutants from water effectively, thereby making it reusable. But if you think odour control systems are only applicable in wastewater treatment plants, you are wrong. Odour control systems have large-scale applications in food and beverage processing.

Odour Control and Management in Sewage Treatment Plants

How to remove the smell from sewage treatment plants is a common problem in major sewage management facilities. Chemical cleaning compounds, accumulated human waste, and other elements increase the contamination of sewage water.

No doubt, industrial odour control is a complicated and difficult task. Odour control units are ideal for controlling foul smells emanating from sewage treatment plants. Many odour control units rely on inorganic bio-scrubbers to eliminate foul-smelling gases like Hydrogen Sulphide and mercaptans.

A large majority of odour control units also rely on activated carbon to act as the media in wastewater adsorption. Usually, there are various types of activated carbon used in odour control. At times, odour control units also use materials other than activated carbon.

Potassium Permanganate and activated alumina are commonly used by odour control units for physical adsorption. However, activated carbons are extensively used in odour control systems. This is because they don’t require sophisticated equipment to maintain them.

In sewage treatment plants, physical adsorption with activated carbon is the most preferred media for odour control systems. Physical adsorption also eliminates other varieties of odour causing substances.  

No doubt, the odour control challenges vary from one site to the other. That’s why you should consider all the factors while implementing an odour control system.

With an efficient odour control unit, you would be able to neutralise troublesome odours. An odour control system also allows you to provide a healthy working environment to your employees.