
Weekly Swimming Pool Maintenance Guide
By taking the time to maintain your pool each week, you can minimize changes to your pool. That means fewer checks you need to make when it comes time to go swimming! When searching for a pool cleaning service, let Prizm Elite Pool show you how to do swimming pool maintenance.
The first step for the pool maintenance, a routine that should be practised every day, is the maintenance of your deck area. This space can get pretty cluttered and dirty - you'll likely find leaves, maybe some pine needles and pollen, or even bugs. Although these may seem like harmless things, why worry about them falling into your pool, they can wreak havoc on your stability in terms of the water's pH level if they hit the water while they're still decomposing. When leaves decompose in water, it increases the pH level, which could disrupt your balance of alkalinity and make adjustments necessary to maintain safety for all involved. The more trash that gets into pools, bushes, leaves and so on, the more you have to perform more chemical changes, which could get costly depending on how often these sorts of repairs have to be made!
Scrubbing is a Regular Part of Weekly Swimming Pool Maintenance
Your pool will need to be scrubbed weekly to keep any algae from growing.
You will need to clean areas that include:
If possible, you should also try cleaning the bottom of your pool. This is a very good way to prevent damage to the pool that algae might have otherwise done. An easy way to prevent this problem is by keeping up on maintenance. The more often you rinse your filter and vacuum the sides near the pool perimeter, the less likely you will run into any algae overgrowth issues.
It would be best if you also took the time to skim your pool a couple of times during the week. Skimmers take hold of the small bits of debris that float around your pool's surface. The more of these bits you can avoid hitting your filter, which generally sits on the floor at the water's edge, the better. It means that you will need to empty it less often, and it will continue to work better for longer.
Make Sure Your Chemicals Are Always Within Safe Levels
It's always important to make sure your pool is safe for swimmers. You need to take the time to test the levels of chemicals in your pool regularly and adjust accordingly. The ideal frequency of testing would be once a week (unless there was any significant rain or another event that would alter the chemical balance of your pool). Your testing kit should show you the ranges where your water is healthy enough for swimming. Here are some general levels:
pH: 7.4 – 7.6
Chlorine: 1.0 – 3.0 ppm
Total Alkalinity: 80 – 140 ppm
Calcium Hardness: 200 – 400
Cyanuric Acid: 25 – 50 ppm
Total Dissolved Solids: 500 – 5000 ppm
Phosphates: 100 – 125 ppm
Salt: 2700 – 3400 ppm
You also need to check the water level each week. You want the water to be approximately halfway up your skimmer. This will ensure that you have enough suction power to capture all of your debris before it mixes in with your pool water. If the water is any higher, your skimmer may not get all of the debris as effectively as it could. However, if the water is too low, you may be getting air in your pump system. This could result in pump damage.
Finally, check the psi of your pool's filter after you've completed a maintenance cycle. If it shows that you have at least 8-10 additional psi beyond where your filter normally runs, then you should take the time to backwash your pool as well.
Manning Pool Service is Here to Help with Your Weekly Swimming Pool Maintenance
Instead of taking the time to search for "pool pump repair" to do the job, you have options. You can trust our experienced professionals to come out and keep your pool looking great and safe to use. Call Prizm Elite Pool today to find out how we can help save you time by having us maintain your pool.
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