Reasons You Should Fall In Love With Blog Writing.
Reasons You Should Fall In Love With Blog Writing.
The introduction of the internet technology has led to an abrupt change in the way we read.

Although the verbose genre had the upper hand for a while, it's becoming obsolete in favor of short, concise writing that can get the message across with less words but consuming less time for the reader.

This is a crucial principle to be aware of in writing for an online audience. blog writing services will be your standard in online writing, with highly successful entrepreneurs trying to reach out via the medium. However, it is easy to get misunderstood with article writing, which is a completely different game completely. Writers can end up confusing between the two and, as a consequently, your piece may not be appealing to your audience as you would like it to.

It is essential to know the distinctions between articles and blogs as they can be confused. This guide will help you differentiate between the two.

Keywords for SEO

Search Engine Optimisation allows content to be more accessible to a wider audience. It is the primary reason in the process of writing blogs and articles being popular. Blogs are constructed around SEO keywords and the content is frequently altered to include the same. For instance for a blog on Manchester United Football Club, the writer must include key phrases like "Red Devils", "Mourinho Man Utd', or "Red Devils" in order for the article to gain greater recognition across the web.

However it is true that putting in SEO keywords isn't required in an article. Even if an article is published online it isn't putting too much focus on including SEO keywords.

Personal view

The majority of the articles, except for editorial pieces, stay clear of personal opinion. They are based on information, reportage and data. But blogs typically present things from a person's view, with less use of data and reports.

For instance an article on the latest Union Budget of India will be accompanied by comparisons to prior budgets, statistics and opinions from a number of individuals. But, a blog on the budget may consist only of the viewpoints of the author as well as his views on the new budget.


Articles are typically designed for publications of a large size and undergo a rigorous editing process to ensure there aren't any grammatical errors. However blogs are typically self-published, or undergo a very little editing.

However, this may not remain the case for longer, with editing an essential step in the process of publishing and blogs continually developing. The internet is the possibility of a completely free platform. in the present there is no need for the need for scrutiny and editing is a major aspect of writing blogs.

The length and the style

The main difference that is noticeable between articles and blogs is the differences in the style of writing and the length of the article. Blogs may range between 300 and 1000 words, whereas articles tend to be much longer. Based on the publication, the typical word count of articles may range from 1500 to 5000 words.

The style of writing for blogs has a casual feel to it. It's usually concise and doesn't use excessive words that are difficult to comprehend. Articles are designed to imitate the style of journalism in while blogs attempt to convey the message using a language that is commonly used and terms.

The distinct differences between writing a blog or an article can help writers target their readers more effectively. There is the need for both and the types of readers they serve can even overlap, but it is true that knowing what kind of content you can offer is essential in making sure that your content has the impact you want to make. The trick is to ensure that the expectations of your reader are fulfilled.

Read: What distinguishes a blog in comparison to an article?