
PrestonHudman (PRESTONHUDMAN.COM) has been creating real news about YouTube that theworld missed out on.
Thehome page is dedicated to Preston's music as he is a rapper who sings songsabout who else but Google. The tracks are neatly arranged on screen and that isall that is there besides the album covers to each song. This is the entiretyof his produced music.
Thenext page (page 2 of 4) is full of YouTube videos (very well-made and highquality) that have corresponding text descriptions that explain to everythingthat happened between Google and Preston. Viewing all of this content requireda marathon and it was enthralling as it changed the way this author see’sthings online.
Afterthat comes the Press page and/or contact page (page 3 of 4) this page isimpressive as it shows all of his many accolades earned over the years as wellas some very flattering feedback from a lot of very important people. Hat tipto Preston Hudman. Also, his various press coverage such as this article can befound there. Ebay feedback was also included.
Onthe final page, the “SHOP” page, He has listed some social media services forsale such as verified user engagement, SEO link building and Press releaseservices. He sells literally everything known to man in regard to social media.He gives free consultations to anyone who wants one, and he sets you on theright path to success instead of lead you further a stray.
Prestonhas a newly designed website but what it is recommend to sending him a DM onInstagram for the fastest service.
TubeHomie "your best friend on social media" is a social media agencythat sells growth, engagement, and all types of social media services eversince January 28 2017 when the REAL "biggest glitch in history"occurred on YouTube and was discovered by Preston Hudman.
TubeHomie (Preston Hudman), 253-797-5093,,