Plant Based Dairy Alternative are likely to Remain Popular for Many years
Plant Based Dairy Alternative are likely to Remain Popular for Many years
The dairy industry is lobbying governments all over the world to limit the use of the terms milk, yoghurt, cheese, and butter to animal products only.

The dairy industry is lobbying governments all over the world to limit the use of the terms milk, yoghurt, cheese, and butter to animal products only. Plant based dairy alternatives, whatever their name, are likely to remain popular for many years to come.

"Plant Based Grows toward Mainstream" is a new Trends Insider report from Innova Market Insights that combines consumer research, Dairy Alternative company analysis, and a review of new product trends and activity to show how the picture has changed and where future opportunities can be found. Almond milk, which is widely consumed, is naturally low in protein. Oat has a creamy texture but has very little protein. Because most plant bases are low in protein, other proteins must be added to allow products to carry a protein claim on the front of the package.

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