#1 Free Classified Script From Appkodes
#1 Free Classified Script From Appkodes
Our free classified script includes an attractive home page that lists various product categories and filter options and displays the latest products and most liked products (Liked Items). Sellers will be able to put their products for sale by placing classified ads without any hassles

#1 Free Classified Script From Appkodes

With the advent of instantly growing technologies, classifieds apps are becoming the talk of the town all around the world. 


Seeing the popularity of classifieds apps, many entrepreneurs are looking to start their online classified business. 


But, it is not an easy job to build your own classifieds app unless you go for a free classifieds script. The main reason for that is with a free classified script with mobile app, you can easily build a classified app that suits your online classifieds business needs.


Appkodes provides a perfect online solution that suits your Free online classifieds business model with awe-inspiring features and upgraded technologies. 


Appkodes Free classified script is built with awe-inspiring features and functionalities, upgraded technologies, and a user-friendly interface to arrive at an exemplary online classifieds platform.


That has surprising features. Therefore, launch your classifieds app by making use of our feature-packed Free classifieds script.

free classified script