WAN Optimization Market Size By Component, By Industry Vertical, By Deployment, By End User, By Geographic Scope And Forecast
WAN Optimization Market Size By Component, By Industry Vertical, By Deployment, By End User, By Geographic Scope And Forecast
The growth of the WAN Optimization Market can be credited to the increasingadoption of work from home corporate lifestyle, ensuring an optimum experienceand productivity, an increase in the number of data centers, and a risingnumber of cloud-based WAN Optimization solutions.

WAN Optimization Market Size And Forecast

WANOptimization Market was valued at USD 0.97 Billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 1.61 Billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 6.55% from 2021 to2028.

The growth of the WAN Optimization Market can be credited to the increasingadoption of work from home corporate lifestyle, ensuring an optimum experienceand productivity, an increase in the number of data centers, and a risingnumber of cloud-based WAN Optimization solutions. The Global WAN OptimizationMarket report provides a holistic evaluation of the market. The report offers acomprehensive analysis of key segments, trends, drivers, restraints,competitive landscape, and factors that are playing a substantial role in themarket.

GlobalWAN Optimization Market Definition

WANOptimization is also known as WAN acceleration. It is an array of techniquesand technologies aimed at maximizing the efficiency of data flow across a widearea network (WAN), between an organizations’ centralized data centers and itsremote locations. The goal of optimization in an enterprise WAN is tofacilitate seamless access of data which is essential for a business to its endusers. This can be done by minimizing packet loss, overcoming network latency,and mitigating capacity limitations.

Thereare numerous data optimization technologies. Data caching is used to storefrequently used information on localhost or server to enable its fasteraccessibility in the future. Caching lightens the burden on the network byeliminating repetitive traveling of data from its point of origin to itsdestination. Data deduplication identifies and eliminates duplicating copies ofrecurring data. This reduces the amount of information to be sent across a WANfor remote backups, replication, and disaster recovery. Data compressiontechniques are used to reduce the size of data to minimize bandwidth use.

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Networkmonitoring identifies nonessential traffic. WAN Optimization appliances canprioritize the performance of critical applications over less important ones bycreating and implementing protocols of internet usage. Protocol acceleration,or protocol spoofing, minimizes the burden a chatty protocol puts on the WAN.This method works by combining chatty protocols for them to work as a singleprotocol, which results in fewer packet headers and network handshakes. Trafficshaping prioritizes traffic and allots bandwidth according.

GlobalWAN Optimization Market Overview

Dueto the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations have mandated a significant fraction oftheir employees to work from their homes. Therefore, organizations haveinvested in enhancing their IT infrastructure and consequently optimizing theirwide area network to facilitate seamless exchange of data and monitoringemployee’s work remotely. Thus, COVID-19 has proven to be a significant growthdriver for the market. Further, the diversified geographical presence ofStrategic Business Units for many organizations often finds it difficult towork in coherence with each other due to inefficient distribution of bandwidth,which enables all these SBUs to work on a single platform.

AWAN Optimization can ensure an improved centralized business operation whichresults in improved user experience. Further, WAN Optimization can enableseamless transfer of data via the cloud, which is a cost-saving investment inthe long run for many organizations. An increasing number of data centers andbranch offices also raises the demand for WN Optimization solutions which ispropelling the growth of the market.

However,the availability of substitutes such as low-cost bandwidth can hamper thegrowth of the market. On the other hand, with the growth of 5G technology manytelecommunication service providers are installed Radio Access Network toreduce overall network infrastructure and other indirect costs. Therefore, WANOptimizations are also in demand to optimize these networks by ensuring minimumdowntime. This presents a significant opportunity for growth for the market.

GlobalWAN Optimization Market: Segmentation Analysis

TheGlobal WAN Optimization Market is segmented based on Component, IndustryVertical, Deployment, End User, and Geography.

WANOptimization Market, By Component

• Services

TheGlobal WAN Optimization Market is segregated into Solutions and Services on thebasis of Component. Solutions include Traditional WAN and SD-WAN whereasServices include Professional and Managed. The services segment is expected togrow at a higher CAGR during the forecast period. The professional servicessegment includes implementation services, consulting services, and support andmaintenance services. Such services are in higher demand as it helps in transformingtheir organizations by facilitating the seamless exchange of information.

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WANOptimization Market, By Deployment

• On-Premises

TheGlobal WAN Optimization Market is segregated into Cloud and On-Premise on thebasis of Deployment. The Cloud segment is expected to be relatively moreprevalent in the market in the forecast period. It is due to the numerousadvantages of cloud-based services such as easy storage and transfer ofhigh-volume data and reduced costs.

WANOptimization Market, By End User

•Small And Medium Enterprises
• Large Enterprises

TheGlobal WAN Optimization Market is segregated into SMEs and Large Enterprises onthe basis of End User. Large enterprises are expected to maintain theirprevalence over SMEs in the forecast period. It is because due to their largesize, they have large amounts of data to work with and this transfer of datacan be made seamless by using lesser bandwidth is through WAN Optimizationtechniques. Thus, WAN Optimization is more in demand in large organizationsbecause it enhances user experience.

WANOptimization Market, By Industry Vertical

• Healthcare
• IT & Telecom
• Manufacturing
• Retail
• Media & Entertainment
• Education
• Others

TheGlobal WAN Optimization Market is segregated into BFSI, Healthcare, IT &Telecom, Manufacturing, Retail, Media & Entertainment, Education and Otherson the basis of Industry Vertical. IT and telecom sector has maintained a largemarket share and is expected to continue maintaining the share in the forecastperiod. It is because IT organizations are continuously looking for efficientdata transfer in large volumes and a WAN optimizer can help them achieve so.The rise in 5G networks is expected to further boost the growth of this segmentas WAN Networks are largely used to support 5G infrastructure.

WANOptimization Market, By Geography

•North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• Rest of the world

Onthe basis of Regional Analysis, the Global WAN Optimization Market isclassified into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the world.North America is expected to be the region with the most amount of Business inthe forecast period, owing to the investments in the advanced technologies madeby leading market players and the rising need for efficient transfer of largeamounts of data in these organizations.

KeyPlayers In WAN Optimization Market

The“Global WAN Optimization Market” study report will provide a valuable insightwith an emphasis on the global market. The major players in the marketare CircadenceCorporation, Array Networks, Inc., Sangfor Technologies Inc., Blue CoatSystems, Infovista Corporation, NTT Communications, Aryaka Networks, Inc.,Citrix Systems, Inc., Fortinet, Vmware, Inc., and others. 

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VerifiedMarket Research

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