
Word Limit: Your guest post shouldn’t be less than 1200 words. It has to be 1200+ at least. We are accepting well studied and wide-ranging guest posts here on Mysterious Trip. So, it is a humble request that you send only contents comprising 1200+ words; since we wouldn’t be publishing any short
Link Policy: you could add the only 1 link in yourprofile. The link could be for your site homepage, inner page or your socialmedia websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn etc. If it ispaid post then you could add up to 2 links which would be shown below your Travel blog guest posts.
These two links will be shown towards the end of your guestpost. No self-promotional links in the guest post body, please. But we arerecommending to add links to most trusted and popular websites inyour niche and in general.