
Top 5 Tips to Restore Antique Furniture
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Restoring antique furniture is time-consuming and it requiresexperts’ help. You can consult antique furniture restoration Maryland to getproper assistance in restoring antiques. Those are the special part of yourhouse and home décor. If those are not restored at the right time, the valuablepieces of furniture may get severely damaged. With certain effective tipsrestoring antique furniture is not a big deal. Read on to know more-
Identifythe Finish of the Furniture
You want the furniture to keep in its original condition. To dothat, you need to understand the finish of the furniture. There can be naturalfinishes or pigmented finishes on the furniture. Pigmented finishes are easy toidentify as those are products like enamel or paint. But, if natural finishlike lacquer, shellac, or varnish had been used, it is better to consultprofessionals. Besides, you can try alcohol to test that. Rub a small portionof the furniture with alcohol. If the finish comes off, it is shellac. If yourequire lacquer thinner to remove the alcohol, it is lacquer and if nothingworks, the finish is varnish.
Cleaningis the Next Part
Sometimes cleaning the antique furniture is one of the bestmethods to restore it. If you have wooden antique furniture, you can use an oil-basedcommercial wood cleaner to remove the wax and dirt from the surface. If a woodcleaner is not enough to bring back the luster of the furniture, you can alsouse the solution of liquid detergent and warm water. Always use a soft cloth towipe off the piece of furniture with this solution. Make sure your furniturewon’t get wet for too long.
ReamalgamationIs Necessary
After using the finishes, the piece of furniture can get cracks orscratches and those make it look dull. That’s why the process of amalgamationis necessary. This method includes the application of a solvent to remove theimperfections.
So, these are some of the important steps to restore antiquefurniture. You can contact Meisterbuilders.Inc forbetter and professional service if you want to restore your valuable piece offurniture now. We are always ready to help you.