
implements raise productivity in farms across all India. Mahindra tractors stand for the versatility of application in the field or
Tips for buying tractors
As tractors have become an integral part of farming in India. A very few select people have in-depth knowledge on how to purchase one. Finding the right tractor that best suits your needs is very important. However, this fact has not discouraged people from buying tractors.
According to estimates an average of more than 8 lakh + tractors is sold every year. This number is projected to grow every year by 1 lakh units. These numbers may be shocking for you. Don’t worry you are not alone!
Surely buying tractors regularly is not something that a normal person engages himself into.A tractor is one of the prized possessions of a farmer. Thus, researching and investing money is very important. Buying a tractor is now no more just about buying for the sake of it but also to have a check on the extra factors such as finance, insurance, taxes, etc.
There are almost 50+tractor brands across the world that have countless models on offer. Choosing the right tractor for yourself without proper knowledge is surely like finding a needle in the hay. At such time customers do often face problems. Hence, We have brought you a guide that is tried and tested by our experts. Get more information about Mahindra
- Decide your Purpose/Need
The number one rule before buying any tractor is to decide the purpose and need behind it. Would buying a min tractor for a 50-acre land make any sense? No, right? Therefore, it is very important to know the usage of your tractor, type of terrain that it is going to be used.
a. Acreage
Check the area of the farm it is going to be used on. If a farm is 5 acres then a tractor of 30HP-50HP will best suit you. This is known as the Acreage of the tractor. The relation between the Are a ad tractor capacity. “Land X requires Y Horsepower”
b. Drive Option
If the use of the tractor is in the hillier regions or very uneven terrain a 4-wheel drive option will suit you the best for your needs. Even in areas where the soil is sandy or muddy a 4-wheel drive option will be the best choice.
2. Budget
You have to decide your budget in advance. Always remember that the Ex-showroom price of the tractor is not the final selling price of the tractor. Road tax, Insurance, warranty, RTO charges,etc are added to the cost of the tractors. You have to make sure that the tractor suits your budget range.
Deciding on a budget in advance helps to shortlist tractors in advance. Never keep your budget open or disclose it to the salesman at the dealer. Always negotiate the price and compare it between dealers in the same region. You can find the best deals by comparing the price.
a. Offers
Tractor dealers have offers during the festive season and also provide offers when you exchange your old tractors for the new one. Make sure to check the official documents before accepting any sich offers.
3. Test Drive
Test Driving a tractor is the most important aspect before buying a new tractor. Make sure to test drive the exact model with the exact configuration. So that you have a clear picture of what your tractor is going to be like. If you don’t know howto drive a tractor consult someone experienced and ask them to test drive at your proxy and understand the details.
4. Insurance
An insurance premium is a major cost that will be added to your tractor price. Insurance is necessary because that will safeguard your tractor in case of an accident or mishap. It is illegal to drive or use a tractor without insurance so you need to have insurance before you can drive your tractor. There are various types of insurances such as third-party insurance, comprehensive insurance, and Zero dept Insurance. Before buying the tractors, you should check the insurance cost through various other insurance companies or agents. The right insurance can save you from a financial loss.
Make sure to check our Insurance page to get the best deals on Insurance and save.
5. Loan
Financing a tractor is the most common practice that is followed by most of the customers. But before you buy a tractor make sure to find the right bank with the right rate of Interest. On average 9%-12% is the average rate of interest that is charged.But make sure to check before applying since this will increase the cost of the loan and interest to be paid.
Research has shown that the most common loan duration is for 5 years. The longer the period the higher will be the interest amount. So make sure you have the right duration chosen for Equated Monthly In stalments. Never go for a 7-year loan as this will increase your interest and that will not match the depreciation rate. There by leading you to spend more than required and putting you in a finan cialloss.
While taking a loan always make sure to check the hypo the cation charges and terms and conditions.To find the best loan for your tractor you can check our loan page and find the best deal without any hassle.
6.Dealership/Service Centre Network
Major brands have their dealerships spread across various parts of India. But you have to find a dealer ship that is closest to your residence. Also, Most Importantly the service centre. Make sure you have the service centre for your tractor brand near to your residence. Preferably in a 20 Km radius.
Because after purchasing the tractor you have to visit the service canter at least once ort wice a year. If the service centre is far then you will face major issues while maintaining your tractor. Get more information about Mahindra Tractors
7. Maintenance charges
Tractors with higher capacity and extra features have the maintenance cost accordingly. Higher the engine capacity, more parts will eventually increase the maintenance cost. After using a new tractor these expenses are recurring and have to be spent to keep the tractor running in a good and healthy condition.
You should always check the price list of wear and tear parts like air filters, oil filters, clutch plates, tires, spark plugs,etc., and also consider the consumable cost such as oil and fluids. Make sure to have a rough idea of the labour charges of the service Centre.
8.Resale value
Every machine has a usage life and that keeps on decreasing as per the usage. After Buying your tractor according to your needs and wants you will be reselling it after a certain period of the year. At that particular time, you have to consider the resale cost of the new tractors you are buying. Resell cost of tractors is dependent on various factors such as thetotal mileage of the tractor, number of years, service cost, tires, service canter, etc. The factor while buying are also applicable as the buyer will also look for the best one.
It is always suggested to have a tractor that is latest and has the best specification so that it can have a good value in future i.e., minimal depreciation. Brands like Mahindra, Swaraj, New Holland,etc. have a great resale value. Therefore, you have to consider the resale value of the tractor.
The above-listed points are the major points you have to look into before buying a new tractor. If you will follow the above points finding the next tractor according to your needs will be very easy.