
The synthetic lethality-based drugs and targets market is estimated to be worth USD 8 billion in 2030, predicts Roots Analysis
Advances in molecular screening technology have enabled theidentification of novel synthetic lethal gene combinations, enabling thedevelopment of lead candidates that leverage the aforementioned phenomenon tooffer therapeutic benefit.
RootsAnalysis is pleased toannounce the publication of its recent study, titled, “Synthetic Lethality-based Drugs andTargets Market, 2019-2030: Focus on DNA Repair (including PARP Inhibitors) andOther Novel Cellular Pathways”.
The report features an extensive study of thecurrent market landscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely adoptionof such compact diagnostic devices, over the next decade. The report featuresan in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities of various stakeholdersengaged in this domain. In addition to other elements, the study includes:
§ Adetailed assessment of the current market landscape, providing information ondrug developer(s) phase of development, type of molecule, type of therapy, typeof synlet target, target patient segment, key therapeutic area(s), targetindication(s), and route of administration. In addition, the chapter includes alist of screening platforms that are being used by industry players to studysynlet interactions between gene pairs.
§ Detailedprofiles of players that are engaged in the development of syntheticlethality-based drugs, featuring a brief overview of the company, its financialinformation (if available), detailed profiles of their respective lead drugcandidates, and an informed future outlook.
§ Ananalysis of the prevalent and emerging trends in this domain, as represented onthe social media platform, Twitter, posted during the period 2010-2019 (tillMay), highlighting the historical trend of tweets, most prolific contributors,frequently discussed synlet targets, popular disease indications and amultivariate tweet benchmark analysis.
§ Ananalysis of close to 700 peer-reviewed scientific articles related to syntheticlethality, published during the period 2017-2019 (till May), highlighting theresearch focus within this niche industry segment.
§ Ananalysis of various abstracts presented at the American Society of ClinicalOncology (ASCO) in the time period 2013-2019 (till May), highlighting severalparameters, such as year of (abstract) publication, popular drugs, synlettargets, target cancer indications, popular authors, author designations,industry type (industry and academia) and most active organizations (in termsof number of published abstracts).
§ Anin-depth analysis of close to 750 grants that have been awarded to researchinstitutes engaged in projects related to synthetic lethality, between 2014 and2019 (till May), highlighting various important parameters associated withgrants, such as year of award, support period, amount awarded, fundinginstitute, administration institute center, funding institute center, fundingmechanism, spending categorization, grant type, responsible study section,focus area, type of recipient organization and prominent program officers.
§ Ananalysis of the investments made into companies that have proprietary syntheticlethality-based drugs / screening platforms, including seed financing, venturecapital financing, debt financing, grants, capital raised from IPOs andsubsequent offerings.
§ Anin-depth benchmark analysis of over 230 synlet targets identified from variouscredible sources (research publications, government fundings, clinical studies,recent news / tweets and abstracts presented in global conferences),highlighting targets that have already been validated in clinical studies,preclinical studies and early-stage research (cases where there is no lead(therapeutic) candidate being investigated). Further, it highlights thelong-term opportunities (for drug developers) associated with individualtargets, based on their popularity across different portals.
§ Ananalysis of the role of innovative companion diagnostics in synthetic lethalityon the basis of several parameters, such as synlet target, drug candidate(s)being investigated, target biomarker(s), target disease indication(s) and assaytechnique used. It also includes case studies, highlighting those companiondiagnostic tests that are available and are being used to evaluate thetherapeutic efficiency of approved PARP inhibitors using the principle ofsynthetic lethality.
§ A detailed market forecast, featuring analysisof the current and projected future opportunity across key market segments(listed below)
§ Typeof Molecule
§ Small Molecule
§ Biologic
§ TargetIndication
§ Breast Cancer
§ Cervical / Anogenital Cancer
§ Diabetic Macular Edema
§ Gastric Cancer
§ Lung Cancer
§ Ovarian Cancer
§ Renal Cell Cancer
§ SynletTarget
§ APE/ REF-1
§ CHK1
§ GLS1
§ Polθ
§ WEE1
§ Routeof Administration
§ Oral
§ Intravenous
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ Restof the World
§ Transcripts of interviews held with thefollowing senior level representatives of stakeholder companies
§ Simon Boulton (Vice President, Science Strategy, Artios Pharma)
§ Yi Xu (Associate Director, Business Development, IMPACT Therapeutics)
§ Norbert Perrimon (Professor, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School)
§ Vivek Dharwal (Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Panjab University)
§ Alfred Nijkerk (Chief Executive Officer, UbiQ)
Keycompanies covered in the report
§ AbbVie
§ AstraZeneca
§ AtlasMedx
§ BeiGene
§ ChordiaTherapeutics
§ ClovisOncology
§ GlaxoSmithKline
§ IDEAYABiosciences
§ MissionTherapeutics
§ Pfizer
§ RepareTherapeutics
§ SierraOncology
§ SyntheXLabs
Formore information please click on the following link:
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415