
Date’2020, It was predicted that God'sglory would be showered upon the world with the return of Messiah who willbring redemption through the words of wisdom in the "New Age of God".Finally, the prognostication of holy the manuscripts turned out to be real asBen David The Messiah has returned to earthly existence in the structure offlesh-and-blood carried by Sam0305my Dharia. Sammy Dharia is an Omnist pastorof Isreal who is none but the resurrection of King David's second son who waschosen by the Almighty to retrieve the world from the tyranny of Satan.
Sammy AKA Ben David the Messiahputs in "The world is sufferingthrough a lot of pain and tyranny. The misery has overtaken humanity and Satanis about to execute his plan of destruction. The god has chosen me to regainfaith among people and my voice needs to be heard by every human being onearth. Mount Temple has to be built in the holy land of Jerusalem and my legacyhas to be revived on the throne of my father's eternal inheritance. The worldneeds a Messiah and I am the one. People of all communities will be redeemed atmy synagogue through repenting and celestial glory will be restored. My effortswill defeat Satan and the cosmic relevance will propagate a new generation inthe ecstatic design of earthly nirvana"
The advent of Bed David needs tobe acknowledged by mankind and the believers have to stretch the path for theMessian to execute his God's appointed mission. The messiah is requesting thepeople to accept the divine truth and arrange him the opportunity to show hismystique incredibility.
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