The global digital biomarkers market is projected to be worth over USD 22
The global digital biomarkers market is projected to be worth over USD 22
The global digital biomarkers market is projected to be worth over USD 22 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 35.74%, claims Roots Analysis

The global digital biomarkers market is projected to be worth over USD 22 billion by 2030

Roots Analysis has done a detailedstudy on “Digital Solutions forBiomarkers Market, 2021-2030 covering key aspects of the industry’s evolutionand identifying potential future growth opportunities.


To order this 270+ page report, which features135+ figures and 140+ tables, please visit this


Key Market Insights

§  Presently, over 30 players are engaged in thedevelopment of digital solutions for different types of biomarkers; thesesolutions can be analyzed in silico, for a variety of diseases /clinical conditions

§  The pipeline features a variety of digitalsolutions, which are being evaluated across different stages of development,designed to identify and analyze a diverse set of biomarkers, for use across arange of indications

§  In order to maintain a competitive edge,companies engaged in the development of digital solutions for biomarkers arepresently focusing on the integration of advanced features into theirrespective product offerings

§  In the short to mid-term, considering theirapplicability across more than 35 target indications, more solutions for physiological/ vocal biomarkers are likely to be developed for patient diagnosis /monitoring

§  Case Study: The gradual shift towards incorporation ofdigital health tools to overcome physical confines of clinical environment isevident from ~40 global events that have recently been organized for digitalbiomarkers

§  Foreseeing a lucrativefuture, several public and private investors have made investments worth aroundUSD 1 billion, across over 110 publicly reported funding instances

§  The growing interestof stakeholders is also evident from the rise in partnership activity withinthis domain; in fact, the maximum number of collaborations related to digitalsolutions for biomarkers were inked in 2020

§  In order to tap intothe lucrative opportunity associated with these modern solutions, several bigpharma players have also undertaken diverse initiatives in this field, rangingfrom product development to strategic investments

§  The market for digital solutions forbiomarkers is expected to witness growth at an annualized rate of about 32%,from 2021-2030, with revenues from product sales coming in via both B2B and B2Cchannels

§  The projected future opportunity for companiesengaged in this field is expected to be well distributed across differenttherapeutic areas, purposes of solutions, and key geographical regions


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Tableof Contents


1.         PREFACE                    

1.1.       Scope of the Report

1.2.       Research Methodology

1.3.       Chapter Outlines





3.1        Chapter Overview

3.2.       Digitization in the Healthcare Sector

3.3.       Next-Generation Healthcare Solutions



3.2.       Overview of Digital Biomarkers

3.2.1     Classification of Digital Biomarkers                   

3.2.2    Key Advantages and Limitations


3.3.       Digital Biomarker-related ProductDevelopment and Commercialization Path

3.3.1.    Product Discovery and Development

3.3.2.    Validation and Regulatory Submissions

3.3.3.    Distribution and Marketing


3.4.       Prevalent Trends Related to DigitalBiomarkers

3.4.1.    Emerging Focus Areas

3.4.2.    Key Historical Trends

3.4.3.    Geographical Activity



4.1.       Chapter Overview

4.2.       Digital Solutions for Biomarkers: OverallMarket Landscape

4.2.1.    Analysis by Current Status

4.2.2.    Analysis by Content of Solution

4.2.3.    Analysis by Purpose of Solution

4.2.4.    Analysis by Type of Biomarker

4.2.5.    Analysis by Target Indication(s)

4.2.6.    Analysis by Therapeutic Area

4.2.7.    Analysis by Target Population

4.2.8.    Analysis by Prescription Requirement


4.3.       Digital Solutions for Biomarkers:Developer Landscape

4.3.1.    Analysis by Year of Establishment

4.3.2.    Analysis by Company Size

4.3.3.    Analysis by Type of Business Model Used

4.3.4     Analysis by Location of Headquarters


4.4.       Leading Developers: Analysis by Number ofDigital Solutions for Biomarker

4.5.       Digital Solutions for Biomarkers:Information on Additional Players


5.         KEY INSIGHTS

5.1.      Chapter Overview

5.2.       4D Bubble Analysis: Analysis by PortfolioStrength, Type of Biomarker and Company Size

5.3.       Grid Representation: Analysis by CurrentStatus, Content of Solution and Therapeutic Area

5.4.       Treemap Representation: Analysis byTherapeutic Area and Company Size

5.5.       World Map Representation: Analysis byLocation of Headquarters

5.6.       Current and Future Market LandscapeTrends Analysis



6.1.       Chapter Overview

6.2.       Acculi Labs

6.2.1     Company Overview

6.2.2.    Product Portfolio

6.2.3.    Recent Developments and Future Outlook


6.3.       Canary Health Technologies

6.3.1.    Company Overview

6.3.2.    Product Portfolio

6.3.3.    Recent Developments and Future Outlook


6.4.       Empatica

6.4.1.    Company Overview

6.4.2.    Product Portfolio

6.4.3.    Recent Developments and Future Outlook


6.5        IXICO

6.5.1.    Company Overview

6.5.2.    Product Portfolio

6.5.3.    Recent Developments and Future Outlook         


6.6.       Kinsa

6.6.1.    Company Overview

6.6.2.    Product Portfolio

6.6.3.    Recent Developments and Future Outlook


6.7.       Progentec Diagnostics

6.7.1.    Company Overview

6.7.2.    Product Portfolio

6.7.3.    Recent Developments and Future Outlook         


6.8.       Vocalis Health

6.8.1.    Company Overview

6.8.2.    Product Portfolio

6.8.3     Recent Developments and Future Outlook



7.1.       Chapter Overview

7.2.       Key Parameters and Methodology

7.3.       Product Competitiveness Analysis

7.3.1.    Product Competitiveness Analysis:Idiosyncratic Biomarkers

7.3.2.    Product Competitiveness Analysis:Physiological Biomarkers

7.3.3.    Product Competitiveness Analysis: VocalBiomarkers

7.3.4.    Product Competitiveness Analysis: OtherBiomarkers



8.1.       Chapter Overview

8.2.       Scope and Methodology


8.3.       Global Events Related to DigitalBiomarkers

8.3.1.    Analysis by Year of Occurrence

8.3.2.    Analysis by Event Platform

8.3.3.    Analysis by Geography

8.3.4.    Analysis by Type of Event

8.3.5.    Evolutionary Trend in Key Agenda / EventAgenda

8.3.6.    Most Active Event Organizers

8.3.7.    Most Active Players in Terms of EventParticipation

8.3.8.    Analysis by Seniority Level of Participants



9.1.       Chapter Overview

9.2.       Types of Funding


9.3.       Digital Solutions for Biomarkers: Fundingand Investment Analysis

9.3.1.    Analysis by Number of Funding Instances

9.3.2.    Analysis by Amount Invested

9.3.3.    Analysis by Type of Funding

9.3.4.    Analysis by Type of Biomarker

9.3.5.    Analysis by Therapeutic Area

9.3.6.    Analysis by Geography

9.3.7.    Most Active Players: Analysis by Number ofInstances

9.3.8.    Most Active Players: Analysis by AmountInvested

9.3.9.    Most Active Investors: Analysis by Number ofInstances


9.4        Concluding Remarks



10.1.     Chapter Overview

10.2.     Partnership Models


10.3.     Digital Solutions for Biomarkers: RecentPartnerships and Collaborations

10.3.1.  Analysis by Year of Partnership

10.3.2.  Analysis by Type of Partnership by Type of Partnership and Year of Partnership by Type of Partnership and Company Size


10.3.3.  Analysis by Type of Partner by Type of Partner and Year of Partnership by Type of Partner and Type of Partnership by Type of Partner and Company Size


10.3.4.  Analysis by Type of Biomarker by Type of Biomarker and Year of Partnership by Type of Biomarker and Type of Partnership


10.3.5.  Analysis by Therapeutic Area by Therapeutic Area and Year of Partnership by Therapeutic Area and Type of Partner


10.3.6.  Most Active Players: Analysis by Number ofPartnerships

10.3.7.  Regional Analysis

10.3.8.  Intercontinental and IntracontinentalAgreements



11.1.     Chapter Overview

11.2.     Scope and Methodology


11.3.     Digital Biomarker-related Initiatives of BigPharma Players

11.3.1.  Clinical Research Activity

11.3.2.  Partnership Activity

11.3.3.  Funding and Investments

11.3.4.  Participation in Global Events

11.3.5.  Research Publications


11.4.     Benchmark Analysis of Big PharmaceuticalPlayers

11.4.1.  Spider Web Analysis: Company A

11.4.2.  Spider Web Analysis: Company B

11.4.3.  Spider Web Analysis: Company C

11.4.4.  Spider Web Analysis: Company D

11.4.5.  Spider Web Analysis: Company E

11.4.6.  Spider Web Analysis: Company F

11.4.8.  Spider Web Analysis: Company G

11.4.8.  Spider Web Analysis: Company H

11.4.9.  Spider Web Analysis: Company I

11.4.10.Spider Web Analysis: Company J

11.4.11.Spider Web Analysis: Company K

11.4.12.Spider Web Analysis: Company L

11.4.13.Spider Web Analysis: Company M



12.1.    Chapter Overview

12.2.     Forecast Methodology and Key Assumptions

12.3.     Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Market,2021-2030


12.4.     Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Market:Distribution by Content of Solution

12.4.1. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Standalone Software Applications, 2021-2030

12.4.2. DigitalSolutions for Biomarkers Market for Combination Offering (Software Application+ AI Support), 2021-2030

12.4.3. DigitalSolutions for Biomarkers Market for Combination Offering (Software Application+ Device), 2021-2030

12.4.4. DigitalSolutions for Biomarkers Market for Combination Offering (Software Application+ AI Support + Device), 2021-2030

12.4.5. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Other Content of Solutions, 2021-2030


12.5.     Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Market:Distribution by Purpose of Solution

12.5.1. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Diagnosis, 2021-2030

12.5.2. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Early Screening, 2021-2030

12.5.3. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Monitoring, 2021-2030

12.5.4. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Predictive Insights, 2021-2030


12.6.     Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Market:Distribution by Type of Biomarker

12.6.1. Digital Solutions for CognitiveBiomarkers Market, 2021-2030

12.6.2. Digital Solutions for IdiosyncraticBiomarkers Market, 2021-2030

12.6.3. Digital Solutions for PhysiologicalBiomarkers Market, 2021-2030

12.6.4. Digital Solutions for Vocal BiomarkersMarket, 2021-2030

12.6.5. Digital Solutions for Other BiomarkersMarket, 2021-2030


12.7.     Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Market:Distribution by Therapeutic Area

12.7.1. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Autoimmune Disorders, 2021-2030

12.7.2. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Cardiovascular Disorders, 2021-2030

12.7.3. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Infectious Disorders, 2021-2030

12.7.4. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Mental Health Problems, 2021-2030

12.7.5. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Neurological Disorders, 2021-2030

12.7.6. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Respiratory Disorders, 2021-2030

12.7.7. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Substance Use Disorders, 2021-2030

12.7.8. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketfor Other Disorders, 2021-2030


12.8.     Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Market:Distribution by Business Model

12.8.1. DigitalSolutions for Biomarkers Market for B2B Model (Healthcare Providers, Payers,Employers and Pharmaceutical Companies), 2021-2030

12.8.2. DigitalSolutions for Biomarkers Market for B2C Model (Patients and Caregivers),2021-2030


12.9.     Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Market:Distribution by Key Geographical Regions

12.9.1. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketin North America, 2021-2030

12.9.2.  Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Market inEurope, 2021-2030

12.9.3. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketin Asia-Pacific, 2021-2030

12.9.4. DigitalSolutions for Biomarkers Market in Middle East and North Africa (MENA),2021-2030

12.9.5. Digital Solutions for Biomarkers Marketin Rest of the World, 2021-2030


12.10.   Concluding Remarks



13.1.     Chapter Overview

13.2.     Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on DigitalSolutions for Biomarkers Market

13.2.1.  Impact on Future Market Opportunity forDigital Solutions for Biomarkers 

13.3.     Current Opinions and Key Initiatives of KeyPlayers


13.4.     Recuperative Strategies for DeveloperBusinesses

13.4.1.  Strategies for Implementation in the Short /Mid Term

13.4.2.  Strategies for Implementation in the Long Term


14.        CONCLUSION

14.1.    Chapter Overview

14.2.     Key Takeaways



15.1.    Chapter Overview

15.2.     Tilak Healthcare

15.2.1.  Company Snapshot

15.2.2.  Interview Transcript: Edouard Gasser,Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer


15.3.     Vocalis Health

15.3.1.  Company Snapshot

15.3.2.  Interview Transcript: Michael Seggev, Chief CommercialOfficer






Contact Details

Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415