
It’s a productivehobby that helps to relieve stress. If you’re skilled, you can even sell your handiworkand make a healthy side income.
Woodworking isbecoming more and more popular these days. People are starting to realize thatworking with their hands and creating functional products they could use is avery satisfying endeavour.
It’s a productivehobby that helps to relieve stress. If you’re skilled, you can even sell your handiworkand make a healthy side income.
That said, one of thebiggest obstacles to woodworking is finding plans that you can use. Most planseither lack detail or require too much work/experience to create the product…or there’s not much variety to choose from.
Over the past fewyears, one woodworking guide has become a bestseller with thousands of copiessold every single year.
Created by an expertwoodworker, Ted McGrath has put together a collection of plans that’s so hugeand has so much variety that it has to be seen to be believed.
It has just everyplan you could think of. With tons of satisfied customers, there’s no arguingabout the quality of the product… but let’s look at it in greater detail.
TheGood Points:
1) Thefirst thing that makes you sit up and take notice is the sheer size of thecollection. There are over 15,000 woodworking plans in this product. Thatprobably makes it one of the best and most in-depth woodworking guides on theplanet.
Sinceit’s in digital format, the book doesn’t take up any space other than somememory on your hard drive. Just about any woodworker will be able to find aplan they can work on, regardless of skill level.
2) Thecollection has high resolution plans for added clarity. You’ll not need amicroscope to make sense of the plans.
3) Oneof the strongest selling points of Ted’s Woodworking Plans is that they arelaid out in a simple, easy-to-follow manner. There’s no complex terminology orconfusing explanations here. It’s all in simple English that most people willunderstand.
4) Besides15,000 plans, there are 150 instructional videos for you to watch. That’sfantastic. It will make learning much easier and you’ll become a proficient woodworker.
5) Forthose who are new to woodworking, Ted has included a 200-page foundationalwoodworking manual that covers the basics and also shares the finer points sothat you can understand the nuances of this art.
6) Thepackage also includes a DWG CAD file viewer and a 3D modelling software so thatyou can see what your end product will resemble. If you like what you see, youcan embark on the project.
These useful tools will save you time, money and effort.There’s no point in working on a project if you don’t like how it turns out inthe end.
7) Justwhen you thought it couldn’t get any better… it does. Ted’s Woodworking Plansis covered by a ‘no questions asked’ 60-day money-back guarantee. If you don’tlike the plans for any reason, you can always ask for a refund. There’s no riskhere.
TheBad Points:
1) Weighingin at 15,000 plans, there’s no denying that this book can be intimidating andoverwhelming to the beginner. They may suffer from paralysis by analysis. Withso many plans, which do you choose?
Thebest way to overcome this will be to pick a woodworking plan that’s suitablefor your skill level and which interests you… and then start on it.
2) Theplans could have been categorized better. Since it’s such a huge collection,this might be formidable task. Nevertheless, you can still flip through theplans and see which projects interest you most.
3) Youcan only purchase and access this product online. So, you’ll need a credit cardand a computer.
ShouldYou Get It?
This product is without a doubt one of thebest woodworking guides on the planet. It’s a huge collection that you’llconstantly refer to and use over and over again at such a low price, it’sdefinitely value for money and a good investment.
Any serious woodworker or hobbyist will findthis book to be an invaluable resource. With easy to follow instructions andvariety of plans, you’ll be kept busy for a long time to come.
The sense of satisfaction you’ll get fromcreating something with your own hands is priceless. Get your copy today andstart building your very own wood projects.