
Scores and odds
Scores and Odds from theworld’s top sports & leagues
Scores and odds are the most fundamental tools ofany bettingstrategy. Pre-game odds give you the estimated return onyour investment while live scores give you up to the minute tracking of saidinvestment. Put those two together and you can mitigate a losing bet by cashingout early or partial cash out if your bet is not going as planned.
Bookmark this page and during the season we willprovide Scores and Odds NFL, stats, as well as a bevy of parlay picks for everygame.
Let’sstart with the most popular sport in the US Today. The NFL is at the pinnacleof American football and the league has millions of fans in the states andaround the world.
I am abig Cleveland Browns fan but I rarely bet on them unless its a sure deal andhere is why. I am so emotionally invested in this team that my bets on it wouldalways be tainted by bias. For the pro bettor, however, having intimateknowledge of the team without the bias baggage.
Thefirst step would be to check out the Browns Pre-game odds first and then followthe live-action. One of our signatures wins last year was the 40-24 week 4 winover the Ravens at M&T Bank Stadium
The Ravens were favored by seven points in the pre-game odds, while theover-under is set at 45 but as the game went on, you could tell the Browns cameto play and a pre-game bet would have been a loser unless you cashed out basedon the scores and odds as the game went on.
Scores and Odds NBA
Abasketball game is quite different from a Football game in terms of scores andOdds, simply because the points scored in both games are vastly different andthe odds provided while they may be the same range, they are determined quitedifferently.
Forobvious reason, the over/under on NBA Games is a lot higher than the NFL forexample and requires some mental adjustment if you are used to betting one orthe other leagues and are switching over.
NBAScores and Odds will help in determining the type of wagers to place on a game.My most profitable bets on the NBA have come from live bets.
Most NBAgame is decided in the last 2 minutes it is said so one can live bet a game asit goes along, cash out and then bet the straight winner in the last 2 minutes.
Scores and Odds MLB
The MLB scores and odds cover both pre-game oddsand live scores as well as live odds as the games go on. We also have adjustedlive lines as well as other betting stats and opportunities for the bettor.
In 2020, the coronavirus has delayed the start ofthe baseball season and there is a high likelihood of a shortened season whichin turn will affect the futures odds for 2020.
At FanGraphs, blogger Dan Szymborski tooka deep look at how the playoff odds change given the length of a shortenedseason.
His premise was that the shorter the season, themore the odds get spread out among all the teams. Because of the lack of paritybetween MLB teams, the level of talent being pretty much equal across theboard. It makes it a lot harder to extrapolate a favorite where odds areconcerned, it is more the luck of the draw the shorter the season gets cut.below are a few examples of the change in odds variance.
- Royals going from a 0.2% shot at making the postseason to 14.3% in a half shortened season.
- Dodgers drop from 98.7% to 71.1% in the same half-season scenario.
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