
NewOrleans, LA - June 20, 2020: A Caucasian Pastor, Dean Sunseri, and anAfrican American Pastor, George Green, organized a peaceful protest in theHeart of New Orleans that resulted in a radical shift in the atmosphere of thecity. After the tragic death of George Floyd, these Pastors felt led to do a 30minute Kneel Down in Jackson Square as a sign of submission to God, in a spiritof repentance and forgiveness. After the 30 minute Kneel Down, there was anamazing moment of reconciliation, as they publicly expressed an apology and forgivenessas a representative of their own communities. This was captured by Full ArmorProduction and Fox8 Local News Affiliate. See the videos below.
Full Armor Video of Pentecost Kneel Down inNew Orleans:
Fox 8 Sunday Evening
For Interviews, contact Dean Sunseri, DMin at225-290-7252.