
Thedemand within the global potato protein market has been rising on account ofadvancements in the food and beverages sector, finds Transparency MarketResearch (TMR). The increasing number of vendors in the food and beveragesindustry has played a key role in disrupting the competitive dynamics of theglobal potato protein market. The sale of potato protein by new and old foodvendors has created an expansive market for these protein products.Furthermore, the marketing expertise of each of the vendors in the globalpotato protein market is also a key dimension of the competitive landscape.Hence, the cumulative value of the companies in the global potato proteinmarket is projected to increase in the years to come.
Mergersare expected to become a recurring trend in the global potato protein market inthe forthcoming years. This is because the market vendors in the global potatoprotein market are aiming to reach wider markets through collective strategies.Furthermore, the potato protein market is also expected to undergo successivefragmentation as various newbie players emerge in this market. Some of the keyplayers operating in the global potato protein market are Roquette, OmegaProtein Corporation, Solanic BV (AVEBE Group), Agrana, E. I. du Pont de Nemoursand Company, Kerry Group plc., Cargill, Südstärke, and Archer Daniels MidlandCompany.
TransparencyMarket Research (TMR) predicts that the global potato protein market wouldexpand at a steady CAGR of 3.6% over the period between 2017 and 2026.Furthermore, the global potato protein is projected to touch a value of overUS$ 150 Mn by 2026, rising up from its value in 2016. On the basis ofgeography, the demand for potato protein in North America is rising at astellar pace.
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Useof Potato Protein in Animal Feed to Propel Demand
Theglobal potato protein market has been attracting voluminous investments frommultiple entities over the past decade. The use of potato protein in animalfeeds has helped in generating a regular inflow of revenues within the market.Furthermore, animal feed is widely used across a several sectors that breed andpet animals. Hence, the global demand for potato protein is expected to sustainover the forthcoming years. Moreover, the presence of a seamless industry foranimal-care has also played to the advantage of the global potato proteinmarket. The digestibility of potato protein has played a vital role in thegrowth of the global market.
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Compositionof Russet Potato to Aid Market Growth
Severalpeople follow strict protein diets, and this is a key consideration from theperspective of market growth. The amount of protein contained in a russetpotato is enough the meet the requirements of an individual on a protein diet.Hence, the global potato protein market has reaped the advantages of changingconsumption trends and eating habits across the globe. Moreover, russet potatois also a rich source of vitamin C, and this factor has also emerged as a keydriver of demand within the global potato protein market in recent times.
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