Pillars of Social Media Marketing
Pillars of Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing has five main pillars which help in performing the marketing activity in an effective way for ecommerce app builder.

Pillars of Social Media Marketing

Pillars of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing has five main pillars which help in performing the marketing activity in an effective way for ecommerce app builder.

Strategy-Strategy plays an important role if you have to achieve expected goals such as leads, traffic on the website, and many more; before we start the marketing activity strategy is very important.

The very first step of the strategy is to define the goal like what we have to achieve and how we can do fulfill our expectations and which model we will use for the same, once the marketer decides the goal then they have to plan which social media platform will take them towards to their goals, now plan according to what content is good for your audience and what makes them engage in an effective way.

Planning and Publishing-Social Media marketing are for all kinds of businesses such as small, medium, and big. It is beneficial for all and when we plan the content well before posting then marketer will the optimized results. Publishing anything could be fatal sometime so it’s always good to have numbers of contents such as images, videos and blogs which we can post on social media, well-planned content will be shared more by the audience and it helps in generating more readers.

Listening and Engagement-When we have the quality and unique people will listen to us and convert into our audience when people will listen to you there are high chances that you will get fresh leads and they will start talking about your brand and start commenting, sharing on your post. Commenting and sharing the post means they like the content and it leads to more engagement from the customer’s ends, if the readers will comment on your post if the comment is positive then you can get the more engagement and if there is a negative comment then there are chances to improve the content in future.

Analytics-Whenever the marketer performs any marketing activity to promote the products and services, marketer always wanted to know the result of their activity. Analytics helps in analyze the content reach and how people are getting engagement with our content and how they are treating our content.

Analytics helps in knowing the result of activity and that leads to update the content as per the result and we can post better content which helps in improving the customer's engagement and they will talk more about our contents, analytics helps in making the changes in our content in an effective way.

Advertising-Advertising helps in reaching the wider customer base and helps in generating leads. Advertising is one of the most important pillars of social media marketing. Marketer performs the ads as per the demographic, geographical and behaviors that makes the marketing more precise and get the precise results.