
Physiotherapy Services in Adelaide
CDS SA physiotherapists are highly trained functional movement experts.
They can help you manage physical difficulties resulting fromdisability, illness, injury or ageing to improve your movement and quality oflife.
Our NDIS experienced physiotherapists will work with you to achieve yourgoals.
Your NDIS goals are achieved by using therapy and rehabilitationtechniques that are tailored specifically to your needs in collaboration with you. Our highly trainedphysiotherapists can offer the following services:
· Movementand exercise based rehabilitation
· Education
· Handson therapy (including massage, dry needling, stretching)
· Functionaltraining
· Amputeerehabilitation
· Gaitrehabilitation
· Strengthtraining
· Balance,postural and coordination training
· Assistivetechnology (AT) prescription
· Transfereducation and training including for support workers
· Functionalcapacity evaluations
· NDISplan review assessment and reports
Our Physiotherapists are AHPRA members with experience managing symptomsof these conditions.
· Physicaldisabilities (including post-surgical)
· AcquiredBrain Injuries (ABIs)
· AutismSpectrum Disorder
· Cognitive/intellectualdisability (ID)
· Down’sSyndrome
· MultipleSclerosis (MS)
· CerebralPalsy
· Stroke
· Amputations
· SpinalCord Injuries
While our fully accessible gym and treatment rooms including disabledparking are located in the convenient area of Marden, our therapists also havethe ability to come to you to help support you with your needs and your goals in your environment. This can be home, school,work, the gym, wherever you need to be.
Our physiotherapists work closely with other members of our allied heathteam, support coordinators and you to provide the best possible outcome foryou.
Our goal is to help empower you to live the lifeyou want to live.
Currently with no waiting list you have the ability to begin your NDISphysiotherapy journey right away…Read More