
Organic Baby Food is a combination of several healthy nutrients, dry fruits, sprouts, grains and other ingredients. Baby Food contains very fewer pesticides. There are several chemical such as fungicides, herbicides and others which are widely utilized in agriculture and conventional foods. However, the organic baby food is generally fresh as it is free of preservatives and it makes the food last longer. Feeding the organic Baby Food is proven to be very helpful and it is also stated that it restricts the exposure of all those materials. Farmers those who grow food for the commercial purpose utilize pesticides to keep their crops safe and protected from the insects and diseases. And to eradicate the exposure of the disease of organic compounds, farmers spray pesticides and the residue is left behind making the compound unhygienic.
The Global Organic Baby Food Market was valued at US$ 6,516.0 Mn in 2016 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 10.8%, in terms of revenue, during 2017 – 2025.
However, the organic baby foods are those which have less pesticides as compared to the conventional foods. Some buy the organic foods keeping in the view that it would restrict the baby’s exposure towards the residue, anyways kids get infected and it might harm the children strongly than the adults. Research do not accurately provide any information that the organic foods are safe and provide very high nutrition to the food. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers organic seals for the goods that comprise of various amount of organic ingredients however, the USDA has no evidences that organic foods are safer or nutrient rich. Some people choose baby food as it is eco-friendly and rest of them feel that it tastes better than other normal foods and opt it as a best food. The most important thing one can choose is having a balanced diet, which offers the child with healthy and organic food form the initial itself. Organic baby food can be also comprise of the vegetables and gradually one can add fruits, they are added later as they are organically sweeter.
Cereal is known to be the gold standard for declaring the solids, however, there is no particularly good or bad food then starting with other pureed foods. If one is interested to start over with cereals then one can start with oatmeal as they are high arsenic levels in the rice cereal. There are advantages and the disadvantages of every food however, from the point of nutritionist. Understanding the benefits and the drawbacks of the organic and the conventional baby food is very crucial as it helps one to choose the correct type of food that is better for the baby. The non-organic baby food is very less expensive, and readily accessible, are available in wide variety, they are accessible through the assistance of food programs. Organic baby food are conventional, and have very low chances of the pesticide limits. Homemade baby food is very economical and they vary in the appearance and thickness, and one can chose what to feed the baby and can feed what people of the family eat if the baby is comfortable to eat.