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All you need to know about GSTRegistration
GST Registration is applicable onall goods and services except Petroleum products as of now. GST (Goods &Service Tax) is a consolidated tax, which essentially means that State andCentral Indirect taxes have been merged. Entire country now operates under auniform tax system. It now replaces service tax, excise, VAT, entertainmenttax, luxury tax, octroi, CST etc.
GST Registration Process in Indiais completely online. It requires no manual intervention or no physical papersubmissions. A very simple procedure has been prescribed for GST Registration.
GST Registration is compulsoryfor traders, manufacturers, businesses, individuals, professionals etc, whoseturnover (sales) exceed INR 20 Lakh. If your sales are less than INR 20 Lakh,you may also voluntarily opt for GST Registration in case you wish to avail thebenefits of Input Tax Credit. In northeast states, this limit is INR 10 Lakh. Further, all persons who make interstatepurchase or sales of services or goods have to apply for GST registration.Above limits do not apply to them. is an eminentbusiness platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-endincorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services toclients in India and abroad. GST Registration in India is easy, seamless,cheapest and quickest with! Apart from a GST Registration, also helps you with free GST Advisory, GST Return filing, TDSReturns filing, Trademark Registration and a host of other services easily. Youmay get in touch with our compliance manager on 09643203209 or email for online gst registration and GSTRegistration services. Find out here how to get GST number, how to apply forGST in India and documents required for GST registration. GST Registration inIndia is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with!
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