
Women are considered the backbone of the society and are often saddled with huge responsibilities and roles; gone is the stone age era where people believed that women were insignificant in becoming stakeholders in the affairs of a society or nation. The table is gradually turning away from the primitive narrative.
Women are block builders; statistics have shown that women who occupy various leadership positions are doing exceptionally well in them and are making huge waves in the nation's affairs. An example of such a woman is Nicky Rishi, a philanthropist, renounced influencer of leadership and education, and the founder of '180 elevate'. One of her core values is enlightening women on the importance of being involved in leadership in various helms of affairs in society. There is a need to debunk the notion that only men can lead. Nicky Rishi strongly believes that if men can lead, women can also lead. She educates women in understanding that leadership is about creating a long-lasting impact that will stand the test of time.
Most women lack the courage to take up the role of becoming leaders; they cloth their minds with questions about "I am fit enough?", "Will society accept me for who I am?" These questions have made most women take the back seat when it involves leadership. Nicky Rishi has made women understand that leadership is not difficult and is an easy nut to crack for women.
Finance has not segregated the men alone women, especially mothers, need to stand on their toes and be prepared to take the bull by the horn in the aspect of financial freedom; Nicki Ricki, who is a mother of two have, has created for herself a pool of wealth that has made her grow financially. With her experience in various businesses and as the owner of different brands, she is considered a goldmine in the business world. This has made her enact various programs that will serve as a helping hand for women. Financial freedom among women and mothers is a stepping stone to becoming self-independent. There is a call for mothers to break the jinx of finance that has made them susceptible in society.
Mothers should be ready and prepared to 'bulldoze' any obstacles on their way that will prevent them from becoming financially independent. They need to step up their games and create an atmosphere in the finance world that makes them not to be liabilities. There are businesses that mothers can establish that will not prevent them from being exceptional mothers in their homes.
Have you ever come across the graduating ceremony of colleges across the globe? If you have, you'll believe that women are making waves in these colleges, but why are women not excelling as much as the males? This is one of the questions that meditates in most people's minds, and this is the right time for the narrative to change. The wealth of experience Miss Nicki has gathered in the aspect of leadership, prolific mentorship, and services has made her continually fuel the drive to make women across the globe walk through the path of making an impact in the world. To further implement this action, she created a YouTube channel, ' 180elevate'. This channel centers on interviewing women such as Kristine Stewart (The head of media at the world economic forum), Jennifer Adrid (CEO of the red cross), and many others who are making waves in industries such as finance, servicing industries, etc., to share their stories to people making them tap from their wealth of knowledge. The channel also highlights the pros and cons of starting a business venture or enterprise encountered by these women, which serves as a means of making women learn explicitly from their mistakes.
One of the challenges most mothers experience today is the hefty task of caring for a baby. Nursing mothers need the right information to nurture their new babies, and most mothers lack access to this information. To provide a long-lasting solution to this problem, Nicki designed a website ( The site's mission is to assist parents and mothers with access to various childcare experts on the platform; the website also allows parents to engage in a mentorship program with childcare experts. This program prunes them to become better parents to their children and makes the parent equipped with the necessary tools they need to train their children in the right way.
Nicki is considered to be a gemstone, and her works are immeasurable. Her goal is to witness women worldwide come out from their shells and dive into the world of endless opportunity to create a landmark impact.