nft 2d cartoon comics
nft 2d cartoon comics
nft 2d cartoon comics




nft 2d cartoon comics

Animation NFT comics have a myriad of advantages over conventional comics. The first is that the person who created these comics is the owner of intellectual property rights. This means they can utilize them to create innovative marketing methods. They could even transform into collectibles to sell to their customers. Apart from that, they may be sold as incentives or special editions of a work.

A few of the NFT cartoon comics can be found in a few rare and collectible. These works span the early 70s to the beginning of the 1990s with a focus on issues such female empowerment, Watergate and also the war in Fallujah. Trudeau is a curator of art from the comic for tokens for several years, but in recent years , he's been approached that NFT organization to create artwork to be used in the graphic novel. Trudeau has a large collection of documents on his computer. Recently, The Washington Post asked him to select 10 "defining" characters from the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoon.

The original NFT comics were drawn by George Trosley, a famous cartoonist whose work appeared in Hustler magazine since 1974. He also has been posting his cartoons on social platforms. Some of his best-known works included those of Ku Klux Klan. You can see more of his work on his website. It's worth checking out. If your favorite is NFT cartoons,