
Signs That Indicate a Need for Home Health Care
Home health care is a vital service for seniors and those unable to care for themselves. Choosing to seek out home health care can be challenging, but some signs can indicate that it is time for this type of care. This article will discuss some of the most common signs that indicate a need for home health care.
Home health care is a vital service for seniors and those unable to care for themselves. Choosing to seek out home health care can be challenging, but some signs can indicate that it is time for this type of care. This article will discuss some of the most common signs that indicate a need for home health care.
The following indicators signal the need for home health care:
Poor Personal hygiene
A decline in hygiene can happen over time. This can be attributed to dulling senses or issues like poor mobility and vision loss that make it difficult to use the bathroom independently.
Cluttered Home
An unkempt home is another indication they need additional help. Dirty or unfolded laundry, accumulation of garbage and stacks of dirty dishes can also be fire and trip hazards that can lead to injury.
Difficulty Managing Medications
Mismanaging medication can have serious consequences. Home care agencies offer skilled nursing services to manage medication, monitor vital signs, aid in pain management, and address this.
Changes in Weight
Extreme weight changes may indicate your senior is not eating enough. This could be caused by difficulty with meal preparation or even depression. Poor nutrition can affect their health and make them more susceptible to illness.
Frequent Forgetfulness
Although forgetting now and then is normal, frequent forgetfulness and confusion are not healthy part of aging. So if your loved one suddenly finds it difficult to remember important dates or gets lost in familiar places, it could be a sign of cognitive decline.
Home health care services can provide mental stimulation and assistance with tasks like bill-paying to help keep their mind sharp. If you have noticed any of these signs in your aging loved one, it may be time to consider home health care. Home health care agencies can provide the skilled nursing and support services needed to help them live safely and independently at home. If you think your loved one could benefit from home health care, reach out to Caliber Health Plus to learn more about our services and how we can help.
Caliber Health Plus is a reputable home health agency in NJ. We offer a wide range of services such as senior personal care, pediatric nursing, and private duty nursing to meet the needs of our clients. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you or your loved one.