
NDIS physiotherapy Adelaide
The NDIS provides funding and support to participants under the age of65 living with a permanent and significant disability, and their families andcarers. The purpose is to provide Participants with a means of accessing thesupports needed to maximise function and independence both socially, physicallyand economically. The NDIS allows its Participants to have Choice and Control overtheir supports. Currently in Australia it is estimated 4.3 million people areliving with disability.
The NDIS is a means of providing people with disability support toachieve their goals. It aims to empower Participants to live the life they wantto live.
Participants can use the NDIS to access the supports and servicesrequired to optimise their function. At CDS SA we are able to provide theseservices through:
· Specialist Support Coordination
Participants receive tailored NDIS Plans based on their needs allowingfor reasonable and necessary supports to be provided. CDS SA staff work closelywith their participants and are able to help provide recommendations andreports to the NDIS to maximise required funding for services. NDIS plans aresplit into three ‘support budgets’ to help ensure the correct services arebeing provided to the Participant.
Core Supports
Core Supports help with your everyday activities to achieve you goalsincluding Assistance with Daily Life, Consumables (for example low-costAssistive Technology), Assistance with Social & Community Participation andTransport.
Capacity Building Supports
Capacity Building Supports help build your independence and skills tohelp you pursue your goals including Support Coordination, Improved LivingArrangements, Increased Social & Community Participation, Finding &Keeping a Job, Improved Relationships, Improved Health & Wellbeing,Improved Learning, Improved Life Choices and Improved Daily Living (for examplephysiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy).
Capital Supports Budget
Capital Supports include higher-cost Assistive Technology, Home orVehicle Modifications and funding for one-off purchases Participants may need.
Objectives of the NDIS outlined in the NDIS Act include:
· Supportingthe independence and social and economic participation of people withdisability
· Providingreasonable and necessary supports, including early intervention supports, forparticipants
· Enablingpeople with disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of theirgoals and the planning and delivery of their supports
· Facilitatingthe development of a nationally consistent approach to the access to, and theplanning and funding of, supports for people with disability and
· Promotingthe provision of high quality and innovative supports to people withdisability.
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