
Micro packaging is the process of employing nanoparticles tocreate an impenetrable covering that is only a few millimetres thick. Thisapproach is intriguing to packagers because of its versatility, isolation, andcost effectiveness. Food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries have all usedmicro packaging. The seeping of oxygen into the packaging causes a faster rateof oxidation, reducing the product's shelf life. Food quality will also beaffected by dust and pathogen contamination. A coating of metal or glass on thepackaging can be used as an alternative to micropackaging market, however this reduces flexibility.
The benefits of food, beverages, and pharmaceuticalssurviving longer while keeping free of contamination are the key motivations.Leaching of nanoparticles into the food supply is one of the most significantobstacles. To investigate the effects of nanoparticles on human health, R&Dinvestment is required. In addition, market expansion has been hampered byhigh-cost manufacturing technologies and a lack of technical know-how.
The Future of Micro Packaging
· In the micro packaging market, AsiaPacific is the fastest expanding region. Due to the significant length of timecommodities spend in transportation and the importance of long shelf life initems, the booming food and beverage industry has contributed to marketexpansion. Furthermore, India and China serve as manufacturing centres formedications that are then exported to Europe and North America.
· Due to high R&D investments, Europe is aleading location for innovation. Companies have shifted away from traditionalpackaging and toward sustainable approaches such as micro packaging as a resultof stringent environmental restrictions.
· The use of micro packaging helps keep meat freshthroughout transit in North America, which is a significant supplier of pig andbeef to China. In 2017, China is expected to purchase 3 million tonnes of pork.Because of recent meat quality difficulties in China, meat packagers must useprocedures to assure freshness. This will allow for market share consolidationin the Chinese market.
· Food consumption is increasing in the MiddleEast as a result of expanding tourism and rising disposable incomes.Furthermore, investments in the food and packaging sectors are expected toincrease in an effort to minimise dependency on food imports. Africa is adeveloping market that is unlikely to increase the micro packaging industry inthe near future.
· Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina are among the topproducers of generic pharmaceuticals in Latin America. The medications are soldin nearly 40 nations. Their quality is guaranteed during storage andtrans-Atlantic flight thanks to nano packing. The micro packaging sector in theregion will benefit as a result of this.
Micro packaging is the use of nanomaterials likenanocoatings and films to provide a high-barrier packaging solution that isresistant to light, air, and heat. Micro packaging is a relatively new ideathat offers several growth potential across the global packaging industry'sverticals. Micro packaging is expected to assist a variety of businesses,particularly the food industry. Because of its nanoscale roots, micro packagingtechnology is expected to gain popularity across all industries. Technologicaladvancements in different industries, such as the healthcare business, haveresulted in a greater demand for innovative packaging solutions.
Over the last few decades, the worldwide packaging industryhas evolved, necessitating a high level of personalization. The pace oftechnological improvement in the global packaging business is dictated byinnovation in the form of materials utilised in new goods. Several factors arepredicted to have a favourable impact on the worldwide micro packagingmarket and help it grow. These include a global push to transition to moreadvanced, yet safer, technologies in order to improve consumer conveniencewhile maintaining product quality.
Micro packaging is a highly technologically advanced sectorof packaging science that may be unfamiliar to many manufacturers throughoutthe world. As with any new technology, it will take time for it to be acceptedas a safe packaging solution.