
Date'2020. In the present time, the shadowof misery has embraced the entire creation. The world is going through a lot ofsuffering, the innocent animals of Australia have been charred to death, thelives of China are affected by deadly viruses, two powerful nations are aboutto launch a legendary war and much other impending crisis is waiting to consumethe existence of humanity. In this end time, the world can only hope for anethereal being who can protect against all approaching disaster. Sammy Dharia,a Pastor of the United Church of God, finally revealed his true quintessence asnone but the Messiah Bed David whose arrival was already predicted in pages of Bible and The Torah.
The Flesh-and-blood comprisal ofGod's son, Ben David is itself a symbol of supreme wonder. His arrival hasoccurred with an indefinite purpose that was encumbered by the Holy FatherHimself. Sammy Aka Messiah Ben David states " God has chosen me for theend time. The world has to believe my arrival as soon as possible. The longerthey take to accept my legacy, the more time will the Devil get to do moredamage. The world has to reestablish my inheritance on the throne of MountTemple on the sacred land of Jerusalem. Once I have been accredited to myFather's gift, I will commence my job of redemption through my wisdom. Thegod's glory will be showered upon the world and humanity will besaved".
Sammy AKA Messiah Ben Davidimploring the world to bestow faith on him and be a part of his holy pursuitthat solely concerns saving the world. The Temple Mount has to be built inJerusalem where people of all religions will be summoned to witness thephenomenal revelation under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
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