
23rdFebruary 2020: Life is not fair to anyone. There are times when we feel downand try to find out the purpose to see the silver lining. People seem to be nothappy because of their decisions and lifestyle choices. Even surrounded byfriends and family, negativity seems to lurk around in the corners of modernlife. This is where Marina Mizukoshi, the new star on the horizon, wants toshare her insights to achieve a positive mindset.
Her new book ‘Positive Mindset’ has hit themarket and is being chosen as one of the best pathfinders for those who need adirection to proceed. Available online, this book is written by Marina, atalented and beautiful JPOP singer from Japan. Her way of seeing life is quitefascinating. Her magical voice has already taken the JPOP world by storm. Sheis growing her fan base exponentially. Her elegant voice is bringing positivityamong her fans. She decided to make a bigger impact for everyone around theworld.
She is a young and energetic woman with amission to transform everyone’s life filling with positivity and happiness. Herway of seeing the world is unique and admirable. Her book primarily focuses onproviding 7 beautiful tips to those who are looking for a reason to struggleevery day. These tips will make you discover positivity in almost everything.According to her, despite the setbacks and failures, life is still beautifuland will deliver the best encouragement one can find. All she wants us is tosee the world from a different perspective.
Herbook is available at the Amazon online store and can be availed of anywhere inthe world. Visit for more information.
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Country: Japan