
California, USA, June, 2022 - In a bold and courageous move to draw the attention of everyone out there to the issue of women empowerment and women’s right to abortion, Shiva Tamara has taken to California to place a golden cape with painted quotes on a nude statue, right in front of the Venice sign by main street in Venice Beach.
The cape contained quotes such as; ‘No Means No,’ ‘My Body, My Right,’ ‘I Have a Voice,’ and ‘Love Yourself” among others. The revolutionary incident took place on early Saturday morning of May 28th, 2022, and a feel of what actually transpired can be seen on Shiva’s YouTube page located at
Suf]ice it to say that Shiva is a creative and versatile artist that is devoted to working with clients to ful]il their design needs ranging from graphic design, video, branding as well as custom artworks, prints and apparel design. Having been a victim of sexual abuse, and having seen how the concerned agencies pay lip service to the plight of women who were raped and perhaps needed an abortion, the 31-year-old half German half Persian artist, felt it is time for certain actions to be taken.
Speaking enthusiastically, Shiva said: “This action is about women’s empowerment and women’s right of abortion. This cape represents a voice to our generation for women to be fearless. The government can’t go back 100 years like Muslim states because we are in 2022 and they have fought for their rights for many generations.”
“If planned parenthood wasn’t there to help me during my dark period of sexual molestation, my entire life would’ve changed for the worst. This cape is meant to bring awareness to all women, their rights and choices. It is a statement to the world that no matter what, a woman own her body and she has the right to do as she pleases.”
It is important to note that this movement is the ]irst of several actions to come. Shiva has loads of other public projects that would be executed throughout Los Angeles within the next few months. Housed under the hashtag #shivaempowers, these schemes are geare
towards encouraging all women to speak up, be bold, and keep ]ighting for their rights in 2022. Because a number of men don't understand the trauma ladies go through almost every day just for being a woman, #shivaempowers would also be reaching out to men via different programs with the aim of helping them cultivate the habit of self-control and discipline towards women.
“Just because you are a man doesn’t give you the right to harass, touch, drug, or rape us. Most importantly, if we don’t want a child from such a terrible occurrence, our decisions should be respected. No man should have the right to choose how we live or tell us to keep a child that was never wished for. I am passionate about this initiative, and I want to thank everyone who has been of help to me, especially Mel Ina who ]ilmed and photographed the unforgettable moments at Venice Beach.”
To know more about Shiva Tamara, visit -
Name: Shiva Tamara
Position: Artist
Location: California
Phone: 310-422-5608