
ITandFactory GmbH Announces the New Product Release of CADISON E&I Designer
ITandFactoryGmbH (ITF) proudly announces the release of its new AutoCAD based standaloneproduct “CADISON E&I Designer” with the vision to provide an intelligentyet competitive solution for Electrical Engineers and Designers. An innovativeAutoCAD-based solution for intelligent Electrical & Instrumentation(E&I) design, documentation and Project Life-cycle Management.
Theproduct plan for CADISON E&I Designer has been underpinned by a two-prongedstrategy, to develop:
- An intelligent tool which is easy-to-use and implement, yet which can integrate seamlessly with existing workflows
- A practical, yet a cost competitive solution
Asan eminent market leader in the plant engineering space, ITF has played anactive role in the E&I domain with an established product, CADISON(complete 3D plant design suite), geared towards the Process Industry. For overtwo decades we have been catering to many esteemed customers worldwide in the ElectricalIndustry. Our R&D team keeps working on the ground level with our E&IUsers to understand what more they want from us, and how we can better servethem with simple yet innovative solutions.
“Wehad identified a white space in this market for an intelligent, feature-driven,custom-built and yet cost effective standalone solution specifically for theE&I Industry” said Ajit Joshi, MD of ITandFactory. “It is a comprehensive,intuitive and easy-to-use solution based on the AutoCAD platform, where electricalengineers & designers don’t need to be dependent on multiple tools specificto their terrain” he added further.
Withthe release of CADISON E&I Designer, once again ITF has demonstrated theindustry its readiness in responding to the market demand and industrybenchmarks. This reflects on our continued commitment to accomplish our visionin every step we take.
What makes CADISONE&I Designer ‘Smart & Unique’ independent solution?
Itsdevelopment was based on a set objective i.e. equilibrium between time,quality, and cost. It addresses the growing need for interoperability andreal-time data integration in industrial enterprise environments intelligently.CADISON E&I Designer is a one of a kind product in the market with aninclusive solution for intelligent schematics, controls design, 3D cable trays& panel layouts, conduits & trenches, cable scheduler, sizingcalculations and automated reports generation (BOM, MTO, Lists, etc.)- as onebundled solution. Unlike other tools, it brings Electrical Design andInstrumentation into one solution with a simple drag and drop UI which savestime, reduces errors and makes it easy to adapt.
Itsintuitive interface automates complex tasks, such as contact cross-referencingand terminal drawings. Also, all 2D and 3D designs and data/information areintegrated throughout the project lifecycle (one of the top listed concerns ofthe industry). Engineering efficiency in the Process Industry often getshampered due to repetitive revisions which result in erroneous deliverables andproject delays. With CADISON E&I Designer, the users have the capability ofQuality Check via “Logic Analyzer” and Revision Control & ChangeManagement, which helps in defining the check routines and quickly update anychanges or modification for error-free deliverables and on-time projectcompletion. Thus, it improves the overall design quality, quickens turn-aroundtime, shortens time-to-market and enhances process efficacy. Create all typesof Electrical Design and perform Project Planning effortlessly, in anintelligent and automated way.
Toknow more about its capabilities and features visit its exclusively designedwebsite and Getan Access to Free Trial now! Or
Formore details on CADISON E&I Designer contact us by Email or Request Demo.
Why CADISON E&IDesigner?
- Innovative AutoCAD-based solution for intelligent Electrical & Instrumentation (E&I) design, documentation and Project Life-cycle Management
- Ubiquitous AutoCAD based interface that can easily integrate with existing work-flows
- Intelligent symbol library with more than 2000+ Electrical and Instrumentation symbols
- Enhanced interoperability & real-time data integration
- Intelligent and efficient workflows at a fraction of the cost
- Enhanced Cable Scheduler function for cable length and fill factor calculation
- Flexible & scalable tool with automatic (multi-formats) report generation capabilities
- Engineering sizing calculations as per IEC standards, 2D & 3D Panel layouts and GA extraction
ITandFactoryGmbH (a fully owned subsidiary of Neilsoft Pvt. Ltd.) is one of the leadingproviders of complete processing industry solutions based on innovativetechnologies. Our mission is to create and deliver the best integrated plantengineering solution & services to help our customers improve their projectplanning, reduce their rework, reduce errors and complete projectsfaster-to-market.