Impact of Covid-19 on Bakery Glazes Market
Impact of Covid-19 on Bakery Glazes Market
To improve the taste as well as the consumer appeal glazes are applied on the surfaces of the products such as cakes, pastries, buns, rolls, breads, pies in the bakery industry.

BakeryGlazes: Market outlook

To improvethe taste as well as the consumer appeal glazes are applied on the surfaces ofthe products such as cakes, pastries, buns, rolls, breads, pies in the bakeryindustry. Bakery Glazes have usually been used to cover the surface of thebaked products and to give the product a glossy finish in cases where even theproduct is not fully iced and/or acts as a buffer between the relativelyhigh-humidity bakery product and the relatively low-humidity icing process.Bakery glazes are usually of two forms and are either added before and/or afterbaking to the surface of the bakery product. Bakery glazes are usually made ofwhole eggs and water, and can contain various starches, sugars and gums.Egg-containing bakery glazes are well known as a possible source to improve thequality of the product and are commonly used in bakery glazes.

CleanLabel Bakery Glazes Gaining Traction amongst Consumers which is Boosting theDemand for Bakery Glazes

Over thelast few years, demand for clean label food has seen a significant increaseacross the globe. The next generation of clean mark, easy to use egg-freebakery glazes has been introduced by Dawn Foods, which gives non-sticky sweetand savory baked goods and long lasting shine. Emulshine Extra, Unishine Plus,Emulshine Extra Sugar Free does not contain Trans fats or palm oil, and is alsofree of preservatives and GMO ingredients. Consumers are now searching forcolour and shine bakery items that usually come from egg wash. Kerry 'sready-to-use, clean label bakery glaze is easy and convenient to use whileremoving allergens from conventional egg wash. Brands get an alternative totraditional egg wash with an egg-free and dairy-free solution, while consumergets a clean-labelled product. Consumers today want items made with authenticingredients, without losing great taste. Willingness to pay a premium forproducts that offer health benefits is higher in emerging markets than anywhereelse. The bakery glaze composition consists of a dextrin portion that has anaverage dextrose equivalent (D.E.) of 5 to 20. The composition of the bakeryglaze can also contain an edible acid, a preservative and a small amount ofsugar such as sucrose and/or dextrose, in addition to water. The most desirablequalities include products that are GMO-free, have no artificial coloring /flavors, and are all natural while also helping to meet essential nutritionalneeds.


Global Bakery Glazes: Key Players

Some thekey players operating business in the globalbakery glazes market are Dawnfoods, Puratos Group NV, Masterol FoodsPty. Ltd., Lawrence Foods, Inc., Kerry Inc., AP Multi Products Pvt. Ltd., CapolLLC, Amero Foods Mfg. Corp, Custom Food Solutions, Bakels Group

·        In 2019, Puratos Canada Acquires Sandel Foods Inc., SFI'sexperienced group and its manufacturing platform produce high-quality, uniqueproduct that will allow Puratos to diversify its profile and capabilities offillings and broaden its footprint in North America.

Opportunities for Bakery Glazes Market Participants:

The growthof bakery glazes is combined with increased bakery products consumption isdriving the global bakery glaze market.  The rising number of bakeriesworldwide has a huge effect on the demand for bakery glaze, as it is used inmany baked goods to make their appearance healthy, smooth and shiny. Inaddition to improving the appearance, bakery glazes are critical for improvingthe stability of the shelf life and also act as anti-microbial components.Bakery glazes also enhance the efficacy of sticking on food items. Bakeryglazes can also be aromatised or coloured to suit the consumer's needs.

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Inaddition, the increasing demand for organic and vegan foods is expected todrive demand for bakery products, which in turn will boost market growth forbakery glazes. The manufacturers have great opportunity to launch new productswith different natural flavours and colors, and expand its productionfacilities and also to expand its global presence. Demand for glazes isexpected to rise in the decoration bakery ingredients market due to the intenserivalry and also the technology has also made the glazes market moreproductive.

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