
I've never jumped into Old School RuneScape for some time
In Runescape, Jagex are bringing back one of the most rare games-exclusive items available for a limited period of time OSRS Gold. As part of a brand new event that is on from now until January 3, 2022 players will be able get their hands on an upgraded version of the classic "Partyhat" it's an item that was first made available during a Christmas event prior to 2001.
In the course of a recent afternoon within Maracaibo, Venezuela, Alexander Marinez, who has short-cropped black hair and a three-to-four-day stubble, was seated at his computer to track herbiboars throughout the mushroom forests in Fossil Island. He pressed down on the glowing keyboard, which is the most recent addition to his old-fashioned gaming set-up.
The pixelated character on his computer screen followed the trails of a hedgehoglike creature with triangular tusks and plants sprouting out of its back. Outside Marinez's house, the sun was shining down the dirt road. The home is situated about six miles away from the strait that links the Caribbean Sea with Lake Maracaibo which is one of the richest sources of oil.To aid them in this, powerful relics of the past have been scattered throughout the world that players can collect from minigames, skills, and taking on powerful bosses. They provide powerful bonuses and bizarre modifications to all characters that acquire these, resulting in crucial boons to get to the top class of content. For those who are open to trying new things with these relics, they can be combined to make incredible skill sets.
I must admit, I've never jumped into Old School RuneScape for some time. Since the Shattered League looking to mix up the typical levelling experience, and that sweet experience-gain multiplier that makes your whole experience feel much more streamlined perhaps this is what I needed to be back into the game.
The leagues have been to be successful in attracting the attention from the Old School RuneScape community, with the former Trailblazer league back in 2020, attracting around 170,000 players concurrently. Hoping that the league will prove just as popular this time around.
The Shattered League is running from today until March 3. If you've ever wanted to get back into Old School RuneScape, this is the ideal moment to do it. If you're thinking of jumping in to Old School RuneScape runescape accounts, let us know in the comments below why!