
Forehead reduction surgery is a large part of the facial feminization procedure and involves reshaping and contouring the forehead for softer, more feminine curves. The goal is to make a masculine forehead more feminine by helping it acquire the coveted heart-shaped face.
Masculine foreheads include the following characteristics:
Large, broad foreheads
Flat foreheads without a slope
High hairlines (often receding)
Bulging or excessively protruding brow bones
Deeply set eyes
Low eyebrows, creating the impression of a higher forehead
Surgeons use forehead surgery combined with several other procedures to recontour, reduce or augment various features to achieve femininity in the upper third of the face. These include hair transplantation, orbital bone contouring, brow lift, and scalp advancement.
The Ideal Candidate for Forehead Reduction Surgery
Now we return to the main question – who is the ideal candidate for forehead surgery?
The first kinds of patients who benefit most from forehead surgery are transwomen, i.e. women assigned the male gender at birth.
During the transition process, many women get facial feminization to reduce masculine features. This helps them feel much better and more comfortable in their bodies since they look like the gender they identify with. Facial feminization surgery and forehead surgery help allow transwomen to see themselves as they feel.
Cis women, i.e., assigned female gender at birth, may also avail this procedure to eliminate any traditionally masculine features they see on their forehead. If they have prominent brow bones, deep inset eyes, or a large, flat forehead, this procedure corrects it, giving them a delicate, aesthetic forehead with no protrusions.
Are you an ideal candidate for forehead reduction surgery?
If you are still unsure about whether or not you qualify for this procedure, we are here to put your mind at ease.
If you look in the mirror and feel like your forehead is excessively flat or your brow bone – the bone between your eyes – projects too much, you may need forehead surgery.
Another easy way of checking your facial proportions is using the rule of 3rds. This technique involves checking the distance between the following areas:
Hairline to top of the nose
Top of the nose to the bottom of the nose
Upper lip to chin
The ratio between these measurements should be 1:1:1 – all three distances should be equal. If you have a particularly large forehead, the first distance will be too much, making your face disproportionate. Hence, opting for this procedure can ensure your face remains symmetrical and aesthetically balanced.
For the best results, you need an expert maxillofacial surgeon in Delhi like Dr. Sanchaita Kohli. With the latest techniques and advanced equipment at RG Aesthetics, Dr Kohli performs safe, effective surgery with predictable results. She also uses 3D imaging to help her patients visualize the desired results preoperatively so she can meet their expectations easily and reliably!