
Magic mushroom cultivation is a great hobby or a serious business for many. There are numerous researches on the benefits of magic mushrooms which you can read up on to understand why so many people want to grow them in their home, using grow bags and kits.
Before walking through the all-in-one mushroom grow bag, let us talk about the standard mushroom growing process. After that, I will talk about ready-to-grow blocks and then move on to all-in-one grow bags.
The standard mushroom culture process begins with the transfer of mushroom tissue or spore samples to the culture media. Once the growing medium is completely colonized, you can transfer a part of it to another cultural medium to expand it further.
If the mycelium colonizes the grain well, you can transfer a certain percentage of it to another bag of grain so that it can spread further or in your primary subsistence, such as sawdust or straw. This primary substrate is usually supplemented, for example, with wheat bran.
Once the mycelium has fully colonized the main substrate, these bags are sold as ready-to-grow mushroom blocks to farmers or as kits to consumers. To grow mushrooms with these bags, you just have to cut the bag and maintain the temperature and more importantly the humidity.
Depending on the species of mushroom, you can cut your first mushroom in no time. Using ready-to-grow blocks has the advantage of reducing the cost of starting a mushroom business. There is nothing wrong with starting and running your own business using growth blocks.
All in one mushroom grow bag is something of a crossover as on one side they contain grains and on the one side as a basic substrate, straw, and compost. To use them, you need to buy a syringe that contains a liquid culture mushroom you want to cultivate.
Then the mycelium begins to colonize the grain and then the primary substrate. If everything is completely colonized, the bag is cut towards the substrate side to start the fruit as you would with the ready-to-grow blocks.
If you want to experiment with liquid culture, an all in one mushroom grow bag makes sense, especially if you do not have access to a clean and sterile place. But if you think you need these bags because you do not have access to a disinfectant or a clean room, you are wrong.
You do not need this type of tool if you have access to ready-to-grow blocks. As mentioned earlier, you can build a mushroom company using only ready to grow blocks, which is not guaranteed if you use an all-in-one grow bag.
The cost of using an all-in-one bag, in my opinion, is not in your favor. Second, you are responsible for maintaining a clean culture medium syringe and the proper environment for the long term.