
Roots Analysis has announced theaddition of “AntibodyDiscovery: Services and Platforms Market (3rd Edition), 2020-2030” report to its list ofofferings.
The development of such biologics is inherentlycomplex, and many drug developers are now seeking to optimize R&Defficiency and affiliated costs. As a result, innovator companies areoutsourcing most of their discovery-stage operations to specialty contractresearch organizations (CROs), which offer a plethora of advanced technologiesto cater to the evolving needs. It is also worth highlighting that stakeholdersengaged in this domain are actively undertaking initiatives to developinterventions for SARS-CoV-2 virus.
To order this 450+ page report, whichfeatures 120+ figures and 140+ tables, please visit this link
Key MarketInsights
Presently,more than 80 players claim to offer services for antibody discovery
Over 90% of theaforementioned players provide services for hit generation, followed by thoseoffering services for antibody humanization (58%). It is worth mentioning thatfive service providers claim to have the required expertise to serve asone-stop-shops for all the antibody discovery steps.
More than120 companies offer antibody discovery platforms
It isworth highlighting that close to 180 technologies focused on antibody discoveryare presently available in the market. Further, nearly 50% platforms uselibrary-based methods to discover antibodies. Amongst these, phage display iscurrently the most widely used technique. This is followed by single cell-basedmethods (20%).
Partnershipactivity within this domain has grown at a CAGR of 18%, between 2015 and 2020
In thelast five years, more than 400 agreements were inked related to antibodydiscovery, with the maximum activity being reported in 2018. Majority ofpartnership deals signed within this domain were licensing agreements (25%),product development and commercialization agreements (24%), and R&Dagreements (18%).
Nearly USD 7 billion has been invested in the antibody discoverydomain, during 2016-2020
Theaforementioned amount was raised across more than 140 funding instances. It isimportant to mention that, in 2019-2020, over USD 2 billion was raised byantibody discovery service and platform providers across close to 40 instances.Majority of the funding in this year was acquired through venture capitalrounds (42%), grants (20%), and instances of initial public offering (10%).
Theantibody discovery services market is anticipated to be worth over USD 6billion by 2030
Majority of the market opportunity (60%) is expectedto be generated from antibody services offered through phage display andhybridoma based methods, followed by those using transgenic animal basedmethods; this trend is unlikely to change in the foreseen future as well.
Thelicensing market opportunity for antibody discovery platforms is anticipated togrow at a CAGR of close to 10%, during 2020-2030
By 2030, NorthAmerica is estimated to capture over 50% (in terms of revenues generated)share of the antibody discovery platforms market.It is worth mentioning that the market for antibody discovery platforms in Asia-pacificis anticipated to grow at a relatively faster pace, during the forecast period.
To request a sample copy / brochure of thisreport, please visit this link
KeyQuestions Answered
§ Who are the leading players engaged in offering services andplatforms for antibody discovery?
§ What are the most popular types of services offered for antibodydiscovery?
§ Who are the key opinion leaders from renowned academic andresearch institutes that can help you drive efforts related to antibodydiscovery?
§ What is the trend of capital investments being made in theantibody discovery market?
§ Which partnership models are most commonly adopted bystakeholders engaged in this industry?
§ What are the opportunities for antibody discovery service andplatform providers in emerging markets?
§ How is the current and future opportunity likely to bedistributed across key market segments?
The USD 6.5billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the antibody discovery services markethas been analyzed across the following segments:
§ Steps Involved in the Antibody Discovery Process
- Antigen Designing
- Hit Generation
- Lead Selection
- Lead Optimization
- Lead Characterization
§ Antibody Discovery Method Used
- Phage Display
- Hybridoma
- Transgenic Animal
- Yeast Display
- Single Cell
- Others
§ Nature of Antibody Generated
- Humanized
- Human
- Chimeric
- Murine
§ Key Geographical Regions
- North America
- Europe
- Asia Pacific and Rest of the World
The USD 5.9billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the antibody discovery platformsmarket has been analysed across the following segments:
§ Type of Payment
- Upfront Payments
- Milestone Payments
§ Key Geographical Regions
- North America
- Europe
- Asia Pacific
Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom, inthe foreseen future, competition within antibody discovery services and platforms is expected to growsignificantly, resulting in an increase in the overall market value. The reportincludes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the following experts:
§ Tracey Mullen (Chief Executive Officer, Abveris Antibody)
§ Lisa Delouise (Founder and Chief Technology Officer, NidusBiosciences)
§ Mark Kubik (Chief Business Officer, AvantGen)
§ Chun-Nan Chen (Chief Executive Officer and Chief ScientificOfficer, Single Cell Technology)
§ Giles Day (Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Distributed Bio)
§ Kevin Heyries (Co-Founder and Lead of Business DevelopmentStrategy, AbCellera)
§ Sanjiban K Banerjee (Director, AbGenics Life Sciences)
§ Ignacio Pino (Chief Executive Officer and President, CDI Laboratories)
§ Jeng Her (Chief Executive Officer, APBiosciences)
§ Thomas Schirrmann (Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, YUMAB)
§ Debra Valsamis (Business Development Associate, Antibody Solutions)
§ Christel Iffland (Vice President, Ligand Pharmaceuticals)
§ Aaron Sato (former Chief Scientific Officer, LakePharma)
Theresearch includes detailed profiles of key players (listed below); eachprofile features an overview of the company, its financial information (if available), a descriptionof the platform(s) / service(s) offered, details of recent developments relatedto antibody discovery and an informed future outlook.
§ Abzena
§ Abwiz Bio
§ Aragen Bioscience
§ ChemPartner
§ Creative Biolabs
§ Distributed Bio
§ Harbour BioMed
§ HD Biosciences
§ ImmunoPrecise Antibodies
§ Integral Molecular
§ Kymab
§ LakePharma
§ Ligand Pharmaceuticals
§ MorphoSys
§ PX’Therapeutics
§ Syd Labs
§ Viva Biotech
§ Wuxi Biologics
For additional details, pleasevisit
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1. Antibody Contract ManufacturingMarket, 2020 – 2030
2. Antibody DrugConjugates Market (5th Edition), 2019-2030
3. Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) –Linker and Conjugation Technologies Market, 2019-2030
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415