
The globaltonic water market is projected to witness a notable growthin the years to come because of the rapid industrialization as per theTransparency Market Research reports. The vendors of the tonic water market arecontinuously investing in research and development plans in order to come upwith new and better products as compared to that of the other vendors. Surveysare being held wherein consumer feedback is taken into consideration and henceexperiments of new products are being conducted. The competition is seen to becut throat and therefore the tonic water industry will see major growth rate inthe coming years.
Some of theleading vendors of the global tonic water market are Thomas Henry GmbH &Co. KG, Monster Beverage Corp., The Coca-Cola Co., East Imperial SuperiorBeverages, Fevertree Drinks Plc., and Bradley’s Tonic Co. New flavors of fruitsare being introduced by various companies as part of their development strategyso as to hold a strong position in the overall market. The key strategy is tointroduce new flavors that are both unique and new and gain as much profit aspossible in order to spread business in other regions as well.
Accordingto the TMR reports, the global tonic water market is anticipated to be worth aUS$2.45 bn by the end of 2025. Previously the market was valued at US$1.52 bnas per the 2016 records and now the forecast period is set from 2017 to2025 with CAGR growth of about 6.10%. Among segmentation byproducts, the market is seen to be dominated by flavored tonic water and interms of applications the tonic water segmentation of alcoholic drinks isprojected to dominate the market as compared to revenue share collected by thenon-alcoholic segmentation.
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From ageographical point of view, the global market for tonic water is expected to bedominated by Asia pacific region. This is because of the fact that flavoredtonic water segmentation products are more popular among people in this regionespecially in the developing nations of Japan, China and India. Alcoholicbeverages are also not far behind and equally contribute great deal of revenuegeneration from the past decades and will continue to do so in the futureyears. The CAGR of Asia Pacific is seen to be at 5.70% and it is predicted thatAsia Pacific region will continue dominating the global tonic water market inthe future as well.
PerfectAlcoholic Drinks Dependency on Tonic Water to Boost Overall Market
With timeand development of nations across worlds, the disposable incomes of people havealso increased and so improved the standard of living as well. As a result ofwhich, the consumption of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages haveincreased as a trend during these years. It is noted that the consumption ofgin and vodka among alcoholic beverages is preferably more as compared to otherdrinks like tequila and rum. Tonic water is used to mix with these spirits inorder to create a perfect drink, their demand is also increasing hand in hand.These drinks being an integral part of night life and the beauty of clubs, barsand lounges, are boosting the overall growth of the tonic water market in theyears to come.
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Health Awareness to Hamper Marketin Negative Light
The marketmay be negatively impacted by the increasing awareness about alcohol and itsharmful effects on health and well-being of an individual. This is in turncreating a hindrance to the fgrowth of the tonic water market in the long run.However, the introduction of innovative products with different and uniqueflavors and their attractive packaging system is bringing forward lucrativeopportunities for the market to grow.
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