Defatted Wheat Germ Flakes Market Forecast and CAGR
According to the latest research by Transparency MarketResearch, the globaldefatted wheat germ flakes market is to witness steadygrowth during 2021-2031. Demand for defatted wheat germ flakes and theirproducts will witness retrieval in short term, with significant growth. Thewide use of flakes in various applications in the food and beverages industrydrives the market with a significant CAGR.
Global Defatted Wheat Germ Flakes Market Forecast
Defatted wheat germ flakes are made by removing the oil fromwheat germ, and the vitamin- and mineral-rich part of the wheat kernel is leftundamaged. Wheat germ is an incredible source of protein, fiber, and healthyfat. The effort of the food manufacturers to provide high nutrition food tohealth-conscious consumers is creating an opportunity for nutritionalingredient providers. Defatted wheat germ has 26% protein also it is a vegansource of protein increasingly being used in baked foods, and it isnon-allergenic.
Defatted wheat germ flakes are gaining traction amonghealth-conscious consumers who prefer more nutrient-rich food products. Wheatgerm flakes contain plant-based protein, fiber and minerals, and nutrients suchas folate, vitamin E, and thiamin. Defatted wheat germ flakes can be added tocereal, smoothies, and baked goods for a fantastic crunch and mild nuttyflavor.
What isDriving Demand for Defatted Wheat Germ flakes?
The bakery industry is the fastest-growing segment attributed tothe increased demand for convenient food products such as bread, cookies, andbiscuits. The baked goods product manufacturer, pursuing natural ingredients toimprove the quality of the product offering. Defatted wheat germ flakes arehigh in folic acid, vitamins, proteins, dietary fibers, potassium, magnesium,and other various nutrients. Thus defatted wheat germ flakes are gainingtraction among wheat-based product manufacturers. Defatted wheat germ flakesare considered as key ingredient in various baked products such as cereal,snacks granola bars, and others, especially in high potential food ingredients markets.
Consumers are becoming more conscious about their health andwellbeing and are seeking change in their diets to meet the daily needs of thebody consumers are also turning to ingredients that benefit health and immunitymore importantly protein. Defatted wheat germ has double the amount of protein
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compared to the whole wheat and other grains. Defatted wheatgerm is nutty in flavor and is a shelf-stable ingredient which also factors therising demand for defatted wheat germ flakes from the bakery industry. Thestrong and increasing interest of consumers in protein creates newopportunities that discuss the functional benefits of multiple proteins,dietary protein diversity, and new sources of protein.
Consumers across the globe are getting informed about thebenefits of naturally sourced ingredients, thus consumers are increasinglyopting for food and beverage that include specific ingredients. As theconsumer's need for food evolves protein is expected to play a vital role inthe food purchasing decision of the consumer. Since defatted wheat germ flakesare nutritionally enriched in protein content the market for defatted wheatflakes is expected to grow at a high pace.
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GlobalDefatted Wheat Germ Flakes Market Outlook
Customers' taste habits are evolving quicker than ever before.Consumers are increasingly looking for delicious as well as healthy andconvenient food products. Consumers are urged to upgrade to a new standard ofliving by the increase in disposable income. This influences their dietaryhabits as well. About half of the global population suffers from health-relatedproblems, including obesity and irregular eating and sleeping habits.
An increased focus on gut health and alternate protein sourcesare among the major trends affecting the global food industry. The consumer’spreference towards less processed and nutrient-rich food products is expectedto boost the global defatted wheat germ flakes market. Progressive customers ofhealth and wellness are constantly shaping and altering the culture of the food& beverage industry. The consumer in the U.S is shifting towards morenatural ingredient-based food products which creates the opportunity for thedefatted wheat manufacturers to increase their presence in the U.S market. U.Sconsumers are seeking customized food and dietary solutions to meet their dailynutritional intake. Over the past few years, consumers have refined a healthylifestyle which is the key factor impacting the growth of natural foodproducts.
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In Africa and the Middle East, consumer preference has steadilyshifted from conventional homemade breakfasts and snacks in the last fewdecades. Asia-Pacific is likely to emerge as the fastest-growing market,experiencing steady expansion in the next decade China and India are expectedto be the fastest-growing economies owing to the rising population andincreasing disposable income of the consumers. Also, the growing bakeryindustry in the region is also a major factor for the growth of the defattedwheat germ flakes. Increasing knowledge about novel ingredients used by foodmanufacturers is helping the defatted market players to expand product presencein developing countries.
Defatted wheat germ flakes find application in various bakedproducts and snacks, thus the growing bakery industry is expected to create anopportunity for the defatted wheat germ flakes manufacturer. Over the pastdecade, there has been robust growth across the globe in consumer’s interest inprotein products. Protein has become an influential claim offered by foodmanufacturers to target health-conscious consumers attributed to the changingpurchasing and eating regime of the consumers across all regions.
Who arethe Key Producers and Suppliers of Defatted Wheat Germs Flakes?
Some of the key players offering wheat germ flakes are Lekithos,Bob’s Mill Natural Foods, Calyx Commodities, SHILOH FARMS, VIOBIN LLC, SeyonOrganics, Garuda International, Inc., and various others.
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