
Growing availability of amino acid-based formula in pouches, in tandemwith smaller conventional containers such as tubs, their sales have witnessed aremarkable rise. Manufacturers are focusing on employing innovative packagingsolutions for infant formulas, such as ready-to-use plastic bottles thatfacilitate firm grip. This further appeals to convenience of busy parents, whofind it hard to prepare multiple bottles while tagging along time-constraints.
A recently published analytical report of Transparency Market Research(TMR) elucidates key companies underpinning growth of the global amino acid based formula market,which include Nestlé S.A., Mead Johnson Nutrition Company, Danone, AbbottLaboratories, and Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd. A key trend gaining momentumis development of organic infant formulas based on amino acid, such as Earth’sBEST Organic Infant Formula and Baby’s Only Organic Dairy Formula, which meetFDA regulations for infant nutrition.
According to the report, the global amino acid based formula market willregister a splendid volume CAGR of 8.5% between the period 2017 and 2026.Revenues from worldwide sales of amino acid based formula market are envisagedto close in on nearly US$ 1,900 Mn by 2026-end.
Proliferation of Premium Products to InfluenceDemand
With the rise in GHDI of consumers in developing countries such asChina, India, and Singapore, discretionary spending of households has gained anuptick. This has significantly reflected on demand for premium products among consumes.Parent want to offer their children with the best provision available in themarket, and premium infant formulas are no exception.
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Several premium amino acid based infant formula have been introduced inthe market, such as PurAmino, and The Honest Company Organic Premium InfantFormula. Penetration of premium amino acid based infant formula is furtherexpected to gain momentum, with growing cases of hypoallergenic diseases,malabsorption, and malmetabolism among young infants worldwide.
Increasing Women Workforce to Create Demandfor amino acid based formula market?
Steady narrowing of gender gap in employment statistics and the labormarket has been recorded since the recent past. According to the InternationalLabor Organization (ILO), participation of women in jobs reached nearly 50% in2015, and the number is likely to exhibit steady surge in the upcoming years.With the lifestyle of these women becoming busier, its influence on birth rateas well as breastfeeding has been remarkable. This is significantly rubbing offon demand for infant formulas, such as amino acid-based infant formula.
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With rapid growth in health and wellness industry worldwide, probioticshave gained a paramount importance in food products, and in infant formulas aswell. As probiotics enrich beneficial microbes in human stomach for proper gutfunctioning, they are being considered as vital ingredients in infant formulas.Recent studies have showcased effective management of hypoallergenic diseasesand modification of gut microbiota in children when fed with amino acid basedinfant formula containing probiotics. Preference for such infant formulas havetherefore increased among parents worldwide, which in turn is paving lucrativeavenues for infant formula manufacturers.
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Key Research Findings from TMR’s report on AminoAcid Based Formula Market
· NorthAmerica will continue to spearhead the global amino acid based formula market,in terms of value as well as volume. Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) willrecord the fastest expansion in the market through 2026.
· On thebasis of product type, revenues from sales of amino acid based formula marketwith lactose content will remain significantly larger than those from itslactose-free counterpart. However, mounting incidences of lactose-intoleranceamong neonates have meant that, sales of lactose-free amino acid-based formulawill register a relatively faster sales expansion through 2026, in terms ofboth value and volume.
· Based onapplication, amino acid based formula market will continue to seek the highestsales in new born segment. Infants will also prevail as a major applicationarea of amino acid based formula.
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