
A thermochemical ‘compressor' isrequired for the Absorption Chillers. Thereare two types of fluids used: a refrigerant and an absorbent. The fluids have ahigh "affinity," which means they dissolve quickly in each other.Water is employed as the refrigerant, while lithium bromide (Li Br) is used asthe absorbent in a water-lithium bromide vapour absorption refrigerationsystem. Lithium bromide absorbs the water refrigerant in the absorber,resulting in a solution of water and lithium bromide.
Using thermodynamic rules, atheoretical model for the performance of an Absorption Chillers has beendeveloped. A non-dimensional temperature ratio, is developed based on themodel. It has to do with the water temperatures that are supplied to anabsorption chiller's condenser and evaporator. When the inlet watertemperatures of the heating and cooling sources are kept constant, as requiredby standard and application rating tests, the ratio of the energy input at thegenerator to the cooling capacity produced, or 1/COP, is a linear function of anon-dimensional temperature ratio, according to the analysis.
A single-stage water-lithium bromide AbsorptionChillers with a rated capacity of 2 t was used in an experiment to validatethe theoretical model. The experiments were carried out in a water-cooledchiller testing facility that didn't require any additional heating or cooling.Instead, it uses a mixing tank to balance the heating impact of thecondenser-absorber with the cooling effect of the evaporator, with any residualheat being expelled through a cooling tower.
Thermodynamic principles were used todevelop a theoretical model of the performance of a group of AbsorptionChillers. From this model, we can derive a non-dimensional temperature relationship,which corresponds to the temperatures of water supplied to the condenser andevaporator of an absorption cooling group. When the temperature of the waterfor heating and cooling is kept constant, as well as the exige l'étalonnage,the analysis shows that the relationship between energy input to the generatorand effective cooling capacity, or 1/COP, is a linear function of anon-dimensional temperature relationship.
Using a monoétagé group refroidisseur,eau-bromure de lithium, and a frigorifique power of 6000 kcal/hour, anexperimental study was conducted to validate the theoretical model. The testswere carried out in an experimental cooling group using a mixture réservoirthat balances the heating impact of the condenser-absorber with the coolingeffect of the évaporator, and the remaining heat is dissipated by a coolingcircuit. Experimentation results and manufacturer data related to testequipment indicate a linear relationship for the parameter proposed. Ferdinand Carré, Carl Munters, and Baltzar VonPlaten, eminent scientists who worked between the 1850s and the 1920s, areattributed with the invention of the Absorption Chillers. Although theitems were originally commercially produced in 1923, it wasn't until the 1960sthat major production began in response to increased demand for caravanrefrigerators. These men's famous accomplishments are still visible today—theyplay an important part in district cooling systems. Because of the growinginterest in decentralised energy systems and the tightening of energyefficiency rules, research and development in absorption cooling technology hasincreased recently.