Factors Driving Growth of Microfluidics Market, Industry Insights and Forecast Analysis 2019-2027
Factors Driving Growth of Microfluidics Market, Industry Insights and Forecast Analysis 2019-2027
Microfluidics Market

One of the Main factor that is anticipated to contribute to the Microfluidics Market expansion is the usage of bubbles in place of mixers in microfluidics devices to get over fabrication issues. There are two types of traditional microfluidic mixers: passive and active. While active mixers can be controlled externally, passive mixers use the geometry of the system to induce chaotic fluid advection in order to flow fluids in or out of plane. Both have challenges with fabrication because active mixers need additional and challenging micro fabrication while passive mixers only need two layers of fabrication. However, when mixing with bubbles, no further manufacturing is required, allowing for quick and effective mixing.


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