Face Doctor Rx – Exceptional Skin Care Products – Natural Acne
Face Doctor Rx – Exceptional Skin Care Products – Natural Acne
It used to be that one of the banes of being a teenager – problem skin. Acne that seemed to be out of control no matter what product was used. A news item recently stated that acne is now a problem that follows many of us into our adult years. People are now having to deal with pimples and wrinkles at the same time!! Ugh. Sometimes it seems like there is no justice!

Allure Imports, Inc. is a natural health and beauty product company that has been in business for over 30 years – and we may have just the solution for you! We offer an entire line of organic products for your complexion and body. After all, acne doesn’t just occur on your complexion – it can appear on your back and other places as well.