
The complete process of doing dua to make your child obedient and good. Make sure you follow each step as described here.
- Start a Fresh Ablution.
- Look for a clean place where you can recite Dua while keeping your mind focussed.
- Sit in direction of Qibla and Recite Dua “Ya Wadudu” for 101 times without a gap.
- Keep the picture of your child.
- Now take a glass full of water and blow on the surface of the water and give it to your child to drink.
- Insha Allah, your child's behavior will start to change.
- If you need any kind of further assistance in this just give a call to our Islamic scholar and he will guide you in this.
Before doing dua to make the child obedient, make sure your child should be doing all the five prayers. Then only you will get to see desired results in 5-7 days.