
Blogs play a crucial role in content marketing & new bloggers always need assistance. So, Martech Cube has dissected stages of blog preparedness before going live.
I am sure you might have read some great pieces of content that really stuck with you? After reading such an article you might have wondered how to write a good blog post that makes an impact? Writing great blog posts isn’t that simple. But it is not rocket science either!
Writing a blog post is a little like driving, you can study the highway code or read numerous articles telling you how to write a blog post for months, but nothing can prepare you for the real thing such as getting behind the wheel and hitting the open road or something.
You might be knowing how integral the process of blogging is for the success of your marketing efforts. This is the reason why it goes without saying that it is exceptionally important to learn how to effectively begin and manage a blog in a way that supports your business.
Blog posts are still the #1 asset for engaging with the audience and generating leads for any business.
In fact, marketers who use blogs generate 67% more leads when compared to those who don’t. Not only that, blog posts cost 62% less per lead when compared to outbound marketing.