
OXNARD, Jun 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) -- OXNARD,Calif., June 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CURE Pharmaceutical (OTC: CURR), an innovative drug delivery and development company,announced today a collaboration with PMI, a subsidiary of Factoria Bogar in Guadalajara, Mexico. PMIwill have access to CURE's innovative drug delivery platform, CUREform(TM) for itsdrug formulation, as well as become its distribution partner in Mexico forCURE's wellness products, such as its vitamin D supplement, sleep and CBDcombination products.
"This collaborationenables us to reach new markets with our suite of wellness products as well asprompt innovation with new drug formulations and conduct valuable patientstudies on drug efficacy," said Rob Davidson, CEO of CURE. "This is avaluable partnership from both a revenue perspective as well as an opportunityto expand product offerings and research collaborations."
PMI will be distributing CURE's wellness products throughoutMexico, including its weekly vitamin D supplement and sleep aid delivered usingCUREfilm(R) technology. The weekly vitamin D supplements provides 50,000 IU ofvitamin D3 to reduce risk of infections. CURE sleep strips contain asoothing blend of melatonin, naturally occurring amino acids and beneficialvitamins that promote fast-acting, balanced sleep patterns for a deep, restfulslumber and a rejuvenated awakening.
"Staying healthy andgetting enough sleep are at the top of everyone's mind during these verystressful days and CURE's wellness products are welcome addition to ourofferings," said Mauricio Villanueva, CEO of PMI and Factoria Bogar."Incorporating CURE's drug delivery platform into our future drug andwellness formulations will create new opportunities to differentiate ourselvesin the market."
The PMI collaboration willinclude several development initiatives with its proprietary prebiotic productfrom Agave in combination with CBD that leverages the CUREform(TM) noveldelivery platform for treatment of multiple GI indications. With CUREform, thedelivery of cannabinoids is easier and more effective because it offersincreased bioavailability, simple precision of dosing and greater palatability.There are patient studies planned for Mexico to improve drug efficacy with CBDand prebiotics.
About CURE Pharmaceutical
CURE Pharmaceutical(R) is a verticallyintegrated drug delivery and development company committed to improving drugefficacy, safety, and patient experience through its proprietary drug dosageforms and delivery systems. CURE has an FDA- and DEA- registered, cGMP manufacturingfacility and is a pioneering developer of CUREform(TM), a patented drugdelivery platform. CUREform(TM) includes CUREfilm(R), one of themost advanced oral thin films on the market today; microCURE(TM), an innovativeemulsion technology utilizing proprietary encapsulation techniques; andCUREpods(TM) a novel chewable delivery system. CUREform's combined technologiesprovide opportunities for both immediate and controlled-release drug deliveryof a wide range of active ingredients. CURE partners with biotech,pharmaceutical, and wellness companies worldwide and has positioned itself toadvance numerous therapeutic categories, including the pharmaceutical cannabissector, with partnerships in the U.S.A, Canada, Israel, and other markets. Thecompany's mission is to improve people's lives by redefining how medicines aredelivered and experienced.
For more information about CURE Pharmaceutical, please visit itswebsite at
About PMI, subsidiary of Factoria Bogar
Factoria Bogar is a Mexicancompany focused on pharmaceutical innovations by investing in the developmentof new medicines, innovative pharmaceutical forms and therapeutic indications,achieving commercial alliances with national and international pharmaceuticalmanufacturers. It is equipped to provide high quality international businessdevelopment, import and export of drugs and search for inputs and raw materialsfor regulated markets. The company is always in search of new products andsupplies, exploring new territories with the intention of supplying the Mexicanmarket with highly specialized pharmaceutical products.
PMI is a specializedingredient company that was developed to focus on regenerative nutrition andmedicine to better support the well-being of patients suffering from variousindications and whom are on medications that are extremely difficult totolerate. PMI employs a holistic approach to the development of itstherapeutics to ensure fewer side effects while widening the therapeutic index.
For more information aboutFactoria Bogar, please visit its website at