
Electric wheelchairs can be categorised based on where the driving wheels are located. Front-wheel drive, mid- or center-wheel drive, and rear-wheel drive are the three types of electric wheelchairs. Traditionally, rear-wheel drive Electric Wheelchair were chosen due to their design and manoeuvrability similarities to manual wheelchairs. Center-wheel drive wheelchairs, on the other hand, have grown in popularity due to their enhanced manoeuvrability.
Push-rim-activated power-assisted wheelchairs (PAPAWs) combine manual and electric wheelchair functions. A PAPAW is usually a lightweight manual wheelchair with an external power source (batteries and motors). It supplements, rather than replaces, a person's capacity to move a wheelchair manually. The push-rim is equipped with sensors that detect the direction and quantity of force applied to it by the user. The motors are then triggered, assisting with wheelchair propulsion.
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