
CILICANT is a quality manufacturer and supplier of reliable container desiccant bags. CILICANT cargo and device protection container desiccant is scientifically created to protect your valuable cargo from damage caused because of moisture.
Oxygen Absorbers
The CILICANT active packaging encompasses all those types ofpackaging solutions that help to extend the lifespan or shelf life of products.Some of these products are described below: Desiccant Pouch
Food productslike meat, etc. that are vulnerable and fade soon employ
CILICANT activepackaging solutions. By using CILICANT active packaging solutions, the colourof the food item doesn’t change and the shelf life of product increases. Thisleads to a scope to increase thedistribution time, customer appeal and thereby increase in business. CILICANTactive packaging solutions are desiccants which remove the moisture in such away that the optimal relative humidity for a specific product is maintained.Some products are protected by injecting a gas into the packaging like carbondioxide or nitrogen along with a desiccant. This effectively preserves theproduct inside.
CILICANT molecularsieve is another product that removes moisture. It has a 3D structure and trapswater vapour more aggressively than silica gel.
To protectsensitive products like baked snacks, cheese, sliced deli meat, etc.
CILICANT oxygen absorbing adhesives are veryeffective. It is a sticky card with absorbent material that can be easilypasted on the package of a product.
For protectingproducts like vitamins and supplements in glass and HDPE bottles, medicaldevices, CILICANT oxygen absorbing canister is perfect. It is placed inside thepackage to offer protection to the product from deterioration due to oxygen. Oxygen Absorbers
CILICANT oxygenabsorbing bottle closures have a desiccant in the cap of the bottle. This isgenerally used in diagnostic kits and medicines.
CILICANT oxygenabsorbing cards are a card with have an absorbent material in it. These cardsare added into the packaging and are excellent in protecting snacks, bakedgoods, moist meat, etc. from oxygen.
CILICANT oxygenabsorbing film is used where a visible element like a oxygen pack is needed tobe avoided for better appearance. Such oxygen absorbing films are ideal forbag-in-box, retort, lid stock, pouches and flow wrap packaging.
CILICANT oxygenabsorbing packets are widely used in pharmaceutical and food packaging. Theyare small bags of absorbent material that are placed in a product’s package.
CILICANT Aerobic pack: Certainproducts like fishes are packed in a way that oxygen is intentionally leftpresent. The entire oxygen if removed, can lead to formation of harmfulbacteria. CILICANT aerobic sealed system retains right levels of oxygen thatkeep contents fresh for the duration intended.
CILICANT anaerobic package system: This package system is the one where all oxygen is removed. ThisCILICANT anaerobic package system used mostly for the food applications whereoxygen is responsible for degrading the quality of the contents and it has tobe completely absent.
CILICANT barrier system:As the name suggests, this system forms a barrier that blocks all the thingscausing degradation of contents; like water vapour, gases, etc. Thus theseharmful components cannot enter the package, keeping the contents safe.
For more info : cargo container desiccant