
By 2025, the global market for Breast Feeding Accessories Market isexpected to reach USD 2.4 billion. Due to increased consumer knowledgeregarding breastfeeding accessories and lower infant mortality rates, themarket is likely to develop at a healthy rate throughout the forecast period.
The demand for Breast Feeding Accessories Market ispredicted to rise as the global newborn mortality rate falls. According toWorld Health Organization (WHO) figures, infant mortality has reduced fromroughly 63 deaths per 1000 births in 1990 to 32 deaths per 1000 births in 2015.More specifically, the number of infants born has decreased from 8.9 million in1990 to 4.5 million in 2015.
Breastfeeding accessories market growth is predicted to besupported by continued government encouragement to nurse babies up to the ageof six months, as well as funding from international agencies for organisingcampaigns to raise awareness about breastfeeding.
Rising knowledge of Breast Feeding Accessories Market, rising femaleemployment rates, lowering child mortality rates, developing healthcarefacilities in emerging economies, and encouraging market expansion in favour ofbreastfeeding in North America and Europe are all significant elements drivingdemand growth. Working women' increasing discretionary spending to make theirpost-delivery period more convenient while still being able to feed the infanthas also aided industry growth. In both industrialised and developingcountries, the healthcare industry has been reinforcing the therapeuticrelevance of nursing, producing a catalyst for the growth of demand for BreastFeeding Accessories Market.
Breast milk bottles, breast pumps, nursing garments,breastfeeding pillows, nursing pads, nipple care products, cleaning products,breast shells, and other accessories are among the products that make up theworldwide breastfeeding accessories market. Manual breast pumps and electricbreast pumps are two types of breast pumps. Disposable and reusable nursingpads are divided into two categories. Breast milk bottles are becomingincreasingly popular in the market. In addition, the increased usage of breastpumps has fueled demand for breast milk bottles.
The Americas dominate the worldwide nursing accessoriesmarket, thanks to the expansion of healthcare facilities, rising demand for newBreast Feeding Accessories Market, and favourable regulationsencouraging breastfeeding in North America and Europe. Increased awareness ofbreastfeeding equipment, as well as a large number of dairy banks, will boostdemand.
Europe is the second-largest market for breastfeeding itemsin the globe. Increased female employment, increased government investment to supportchildren's well-being, and an increase in the number of hospitals andchildren's milk banks in this area all contribute to company growth.
Geographic Scope of the Breastfeeding Accessories Market
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o UK
o France
o Rest of Europe
The global breastfeeding accessories market is expected togrow due to rising awareness of various breastfeeding accessories among thefemale population, rising consumer expenditure on baby care products around theworld, and a growing focus on the penetration of these products in emergingcountries. In addition, the rising birth rate in developed countries, risingawareness of the health benefits of breast milk, rising adoption of advancedhealthcare devices among parents, and rising government-supported initiativesto raise awareness of the importance of breastfeeding are all major factorsdriving market growth.
Medela LLC, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Nuby, Newell Brands,Mayborn Group Limited, Ameda, Pigeon Corporation, Artsana S.p.A., Handi-CraftCompany, and Edgewell Personal Care are some of the prominent participants inthe “Global Breast Feeding Accessories Market” study report. Our marketanalysis also includes a part dedicated only to such significant firms, in whichour experts present an overview of all of the main players' financialstatements, as well as product benchmarking and SWOT analysis.